Songs from elementary school textbooks 6 NEW HORIZON Front Cover

I’m Emma

I live in France

I have P.E. and science on Tuesdays

I usually eat lunch at twelve

Then I play soccer at one

I’m Peter

I live in Australia

I have social studies on Wednesdays

I sometimes walk my dog at five

Then I do my homework at six

I’m Lulu

I live in Kenya

I have math and music on Fridays

I always get up at seven

Then I go to school at eight

  • Lyricist

    Kathleen Kampa, Charles Vilina

  • Composer

    Kathleen Kampa, Charles Vilina

Songs from elementary school textbooks 6 NEW HORIZON Front Cover

Listen to My Day by NEW HORIZON Song Team

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Hello, everyone.

    NEW HORIZON Song Team

  • ⚫︎

    My Day

    NEW HORIZON Song Team

  • 3

    I want to go to Italy.

    NEW HORIZON Song Team

  • 4

    We love summer vacation.

    NEW HORIZON Song Team

  • 5

    We all live together.

    NEW HORIZON Song Team

  • 6

    What did you eat?

    NEW HORIZON Song Team

  • 7

    Four Seasons

    NEW HORIZON Song Team

  • 8

    My Future Dream

    NEW HORIZON Song Team

  • 9

    This is my town.

    NEW HORIZON Song Team

NEW HORIZON Elementary English Course 5.6 is a series of English textbooks for 5th and 6th grade elementary school students in Japan published by TOKYO SHOSEKI CO., LTD. It is full of exciting and entertaining songs relating to what they learn. This album has all songs from the 6th grade textbook. Unit 4 "We love summer vacation." is about memories from summer vacation. Unit 5 "We all live together" is about the importance of life through animals. "This is my town." is a bonus track perfect for graduation events. They are all great songs. Let's enjoy singing with your teachers, friends and family!

Artist Profile

