With all our hearts and our souls Let's sing and dance as we go A world of joy, wonder and love Where flowers bloom Where children play You and me, To this magical place
A kiss of the springtime breeze The seasonʼs light and splendor Brings to us a gift so dear The notes of laughter, this music to our ears
A sky full of hopes and dreams The buds of youth so tender Love is here You are near The seeds of promise, together we sow
Now we stand hand in hand One voice, one heart, one song
With all our hearts and our souls Let's sing and dance as we go The sun, the land, skies everblue Get to your feet and spread your wings We're waiting for you
With all our hearts and our souls Let's sing and dance as we go A world of joy, wonder and love Where flowers bloom Where children play You and me, To this magical place
Just a wish, from once upon a world ago Planted deeply within this earth Was the birth Of a story of strength, and hope, and love
Like the days forgetting winter for the warmth of spring Our tomorrows Always come And everyone Receives this blessing of nature's grace
A timeless tale to tell With gratitude we share
With all our hearts and our souls Let's sing and dance as we go This path ahead so lush and bright A million dreams Still left unseen Take us there With your magic and light
Rainbow ahoy! Star light, star bright! Hold on, as visions unfold Mightiest trees, busiest bees ̶ would you just look at them all?
Every little creature A miracle of nature How wonderful life is that weʼre all here no matter how big or small
With all our hearts and our souls Let's sing and dance as we go The sun, the land, skies everblue Come join us in this grand parade Yes, we're waiting for you
With all our hearts and our souls Let's sing and dance as we go A world of joy, wonder and love Where flowers bloom Where children play You and me, To this magical place
みんなで歌おう みんなで踊ろう
いつでも待ってるよ 笑顔の花咲く
風吹き抜けて 季節は巡り
春の陽気に 笑い声あふれている
希望詰め込んだ種 空にまいたら
愛と感謝を 芽吹かせていこう
分かち合おう 手を重ねて
みんなで歌おう みんなで踊ろう
温もり生まれる 青空のパレードはじめよう
みんなで歌おう みんなで踊ろう
いつでも待ってるよ 笑顔の花咲く
分かち合おう 時を越えて
みんなで歌おう みんなで踊ろう
心をひとつに あなたのその手で
種まき 水やり 希望育てよう
根を張り 芽を出し 夢咲かせよう
命繋ぐ 小さな奇跡
感謝して 明日へ歩いていこう
みんなで歌おう みんなで踊ろう
温もり持ち寄り 大地のパレード心彩る
みんなで歌おう みんなで踊ろう
いつでも待ってるよ 笑顔の花咲く
- Lyricist
Kiyohito, dia
- Composer

Listen to Beautiful Parade (English version) by SUWA SAKURA
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Beautiful Parade (English version)
Artist Profile
From childhood, she grew up with opera and musicals under the influence of her mother, a soprano singer. She began piano lessons at age 3, ballet at age 5, and voice at age 6. She has received excellent results at the International Vocal Competition in Tokyo and the Shimoda Interna...