Furimuite! Inarin! ("Support song for Inarin" Recognized by Toyokawa Tourism Association) Front Cover


Furimuite! Inarin! ("Support song for Inarin" Recognized by Toyokawa Tourism Association)

Masaharu Amano

黄色いお揚げに お耳を出していなりん

しっぽを揺らして 誘ってみれば集まる仲間

こわがらないで お米は僕のパワー

背中いっぱいのおいしい笑顔 元気になれる

キラキラと輝いた 豊川流れ

ウトウトと 日向ぼっこがとても気持ちいいこの街



だいすきだよお友達 お団子も食べようね Uh

うだるような夏 お米が乾く


手筒が夜空いろどる お祭りは好き

パーティーだね 並ぶいなり寿司 いなりん

お口いっぱいの 甘いトキメキ 会話も弾む

ユラユラと穏やかな 御津の海辺で

フラフラと 散歩すれば嫌なことなんて忘れる



思い切り遊んだなら 温泉にでも入ろうか Uh

お正月には豊川稲荷で 手を合わせて初詣

おねがいごとはみんな 幸せになれ



思い出して会いたいとき 豊川にいつでもおいで Uh

春夏秋冬巡る季節に 表情を変えていくときも

おいしいいなり寿司で お迎えするから

お友達といっしょに 待っているから

  • Lyricist

    Masaharu Amano

  • Composer

    Masaharu Amano

Furimuite! Inarin! ("Support song for Inarin" Recognized by Toyokawa Tourism Association) Front Cover

Listen to Furimuite! Inarin! ("Support song for Inarin" Recognized by Toyokawa Tourism Association) by Masaharu Amano

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    Furimuite! Inarin! ("Support song for Inarin" Recognized by Toyokawa Tourism Association)

    Masaharu Amano

"Support song for Inarin" Recognized by Toyokawa Tourism Association.

Artist Profile

  • Masaharu Amano

    Born in Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture in 1989. Longing for Kazuo Zaitsu, who was greatly influenced by his childhood, he began making songs in secret from around 2007. Moved to Tokyo in 2015. In 2017, he produced the song "Furimuite! Inarin!" Of the local character "Inarin" in his hometown Toyokawa City, and it was officially recognized by the city tourism association. "Furimuite! Inarin!" Is now available in 2018. After that, PR support for Toyokawa City will be provided at event stages such as Aichi, Tokyo, and Kanagawa.

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