Chiaroscuro Front Cover



Calls Name Again

You are delicate

You are beautiful

The shape of only one object

To treat carefully as a valuable thing

Is the true love there ?





Grab a heart

An attractive personality

Why am I strongly drawn to you?

I was taken aback by the beauty!

Impermanent beauty in simplicity



Just like 「Alfa Romeo」

Grab a heart

An attractive personality

Why am I strongly drawn to you?

I was taken aback by the beauty!

Don't take things for granted!

It's too late if you realize how important something was after you lose it

Grab a heart

An attractive personality

Why am I strongly drawn to you?

I was taken aback by the beauty!

I like it

Be fascinated

I'm proud of you

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


Chiaroscuro Front Cover

Listen to SPREZZATURA by Calls Name Again

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  • 1


    Calls Name Again

  • 2

    With us

    Calls Name Again

  • 3

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid

    Calls Name Again

  • 4

    bitter chocolate

    Calls Name Again

  • ⚫︎


    Calls Name Again

  • 6

    Open seam

    Calls Name Again

北海道室蘭市を拠点に活動するバンド【Calls Name Again】が、ラウドロックを基調としながらも、その独自の世界観を投影したファーストアルバム「Chiaroscuro」をリリースする。先行シングルとしてリリースしていた「SPREZZATURA」「glitter」を含む全7曲を収録。

Artist Profile

  • Calls Name Again

    A four-piece loud rock band from Muroran, Hokkaido. Active with a powerful clean voice while incorporating emo and metal elements. Average age 22.5 years old. Actively supporting tours in Hokkaido such as "HER NAME IN BLOOD", "mild rage", "PALEDUSK", "Azami", and "MAKE MY DAY". Released 1st digital single "Reason" on June 15, 2020. The one-man live at Tomakomai ELLCUBE was also successful. In addition, RITA, the drummer, regularly organizes a self-planned live "RITA FES", building a unique community with bands inside and outside of Hokkaido.

    Artist page

    Calls Name Againの他のリリース

