For away Front Cover


Breathe here again

Saijyo Ema



I walk through the door, いつもの扉を開けて

My favorite place where I can just be alone, 静かに過ごせる場所へ

The bartender knows my name


Same drink, same chair, 変わらない席に座り

It's like time slows down, 時間がゆっくりと流れる

In this quiet bar, 静かなバーで

I find my peace, 自分だけの安らぎを見つける

No noise, no rush, 騒がしさも急ぎもない

Just me and the glass in my hand, ただ手の中のグラスと僕だけ

The world fades away, 世界は遠く消えて

Here, I can breathe again, ここで息を整えられる

In this quiet bar, 静かなバーで

I find my peace, 自分の居場所がある

No noise, no rush, 騒ぎも急ぎもなく

Just me and the glass in my hand, ただ手の中のグラスと僕だけ

The world fades away, 世界がゆっくりと消えていく

Here, I can breathe again, ここでまた息をつけるんだ

Here, I can breathe again… ここで、もう一度息をする…

  • Lyricist

    Saijyo Ema

  • Composer

    Saijyo Ema

For away Front Cover

Listen to Breathe here again by Saijyo Ema

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  • 1

    Colors of Us

    Saijyo Ema

  • 2

    When Autumn Comes

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  • 3

    Heaven and Hell

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  • 4

    Across the Borders

    Saijyo Ema

  • ⚫︎

    Breathe here again

    Saijyo Ema

  • 6

    You're Not Alone

    Saijyo Ema

  • 7


    Saijyo Ema

  • 8


    Saijyo Ema

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