取り戻しはもう きかないとこさ
始まったのなら おわっちゃうから
弾んだボール 勢いよく
飛び出していく 未来へ向けて
転んでも つまづいても ぶつかってっても
何度でも 立ち上がり躍動するいのち
はにかんだ 裏のすぐ隣にあるこころ
ぼくは信じているさ なくなりはしない
安らかにいま 見つめてるのさ
弾んだボール 楽しげにさあ
遠くへ投げる あなたへ向けて
変わるよ 君も僕も転がる先はどうなる?
昨日あった かなしいこと 空に知らせたら
慈しむ雨は降り 大地を濡らすだろう
暖かな陽がさして 芽が伸びてったなら
喜びの花も いつか咲くから
転んでも つまづいても ぶつかってっても
何度でも 立ち上がり躍動するいのち
はにかんだ 裏のすぐ隣にあるこころ
ぼくは信じているさ なくなりはしない
- Lyricist
Ryuya Morita
- Composer
Ryuya Morita
Listen to Hazunda Bouru by Ryuya Morita
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Hazunda Bouru
Ryuya Morita
Singer Song Writer Ryuya Morita's 2nd Single
This time, the arrangement of the band's sound makes it a positive and powerful song. As the title suggests, the song is full of bouncy rhythm and power.
Artist Profile
Ryuya Morita
.Born in 1994 Born in Saitama Prefecture He started playing the piano at the age of five. He studied popular piano with Nobutsuna Sasaki and classical piano with Keiko Kusama from the ages of 14 to 19. After entering Asaka High School from the age of 15, he started learning jazz piano by himself from high school, and entered the Kunitachi College of Music, Department of Jazz, majoring in jazz. While he was in school, he studied jazz piano under Makoto Ozone, Satoshi Shionlya and Takana Miyamoto. he has been active in jazz live since he was in school and mainly works with his own trio ''Spice Up Trio'' (Quartet), which is mainly his own original. he has experienced jazz bands in various formations. By 2021, he will digitally release three self-produced albums of her Jazz albums with original songs of his own. he was influenced not only by jazz but also by pops, and when he was 25 years old, he was fascinated by Kaze Fujii's song in 2020 and noticed the charm of song. he decided to become a singer and proceeded to his singing career. he now regularly hosts his singing concerts.
Ryuya Moritaの他のリリース