


  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music

※ 試聴は反映までに時間がかかる場合があります。
※ 著作権管理事業者等が管理する楽曲は試聴できません。

Bellfast was formed in 1993 in Nagoya/Japan under the leadership of bass player Shuji Matsumoto. In December 2001 the six-song debut CD "Faraway Prayers" was released by Mustang Records. However, for various reasons, the band's activity decreased suddenly after the release.

In 2006, Bellfast was resurrected and became active again with very capable members as a solid seven-piece folk metal band. The band performed gigs, continued to work on songs, and started the recording of their 1st full-length album from the early summer of 2009. All tracks were recorded in Japan, and mixed and mastered by Andy La Rocque (g/KING DIAMOND) at his Sonic Train Studios in Sweden. The album "Insula Sacra" was released in Oct. 27 2010 via King Records in Japan. "Insula Sacra" has been very well received by both fans and the media, and BELLFAST has successfully put itself at the center of the music scene as the only Viking/Folk Metal band in Asia.

in 2016, The band head into the recording studio from that summer. The recording started with the drum track recording at NEWS 90 in Studio (Aichi, Kiyosu), and each part is proceeding at Sound Koala Studio (Saitama/Kitaurawa) which is owned by our guiterist/engineer Taro Arai (g). The recording was completed by the beginning of July. Afterwards, all data was sent to Andy La Rocque (g/KING DIAMOND) in Varberg, Sweden who created the amazing sound of the previous album. He again mixed and mastered at his own Sonic Train Studios, and the long-awaited second album is coming into the world just seven years after "Insula Sacra".

"Triquedraco", This new work is crowned with a mysterious coined word referring to an ancient crest shown on the artwork. The word combines the Celtic symbol Triquetra representing the Trinity idea and Draco meaning the dragon in Latin. "Triquedraco" will be released from King Records on October 11, 2017.

While the 1st full album, "Insula Sacra", included songs that had been written since the band's formation in 1993, all 11 songs recorded on this 2nd album "Triquedraco" have been written since "Insula Sacra" was released in 2010. Even though this time again the folk/Viking taste which boldly featured the violin and the flute provides the main axis, they do not overwhelm the variety of melodies in the songs. In this album, BELLFAST presents a modern heavy metal sound, while at the same time, echoes the classic dynamics reminiscent of '80s hard rock/heavy metal such as NWOBHM. Whereas many other folk/Viking metal bands are taking an extreme approach like death/black metal, our approach highlights the uniqueness of BELLFAST's sound and allows us to offer up this Traditional heavy metal feast.



iTunes Store • メタル トップアルバム • オーストラリア • 12位 • 2020年2月7日 Apple Music • メタル トップアルバム • 中国 • 27位 • 2019年10月17日 Apple Music • メタル トップアルバム • 香港 • 43位 • 2019年12月17日 iTunes Store • ロック トップアルバム • オーストラリア • 94位 • 2020年2月7日



    BELLFASTは日本・東京を拠点とするフォーク・メタル・バンド。 1993年に愛知県名古屋市にて結成。当初はアイリッシュ/ケルティックな雰囲気を持つプログレッシヴ・ハード・ロックを身上とし、2001年に6曲入りEP"Faraway Prayers" (Mustang Records)でデビュー。 その後、活動を進める中で2006年にヴァイオリンとフルートそれぞれの専任プレイヤーを加えた7人編成となり、強靭なフォーク・メタル・バンドへと進化。2010年にKing Recordsとサインし、これまでに1st"Insula Sacra"(2010年)、2nd"Triquedraco"(2017年)の2枚のフルアルバムをリリースしている。 ヴァラエティに満ちた楽曲には、IRON MAIDENに代表される伝統的ヘヴィ・メタルのアグレッション、THIN LIZZYやKANSASら先人達の影響を滲ませるフォークロアな叙情味、そしてTURISASやENSIFERUMらに通じる勇壮なヴァイキングの息吹など、ヘヴィ・メタルが求める様々な要素が満載。ヴァイオリンとフルートを大胆にフィーチュアしたフォーク/ヴァイキング・テイストを武器とする一方で、NWOBHMに代表される'80sハード・ロック/ヘヴィ・メタルを想わせる古典的ダイナミクスも強く響かせている。 世界中の多くの同系バンドがエクストリームな手法を選択する中、あくまで正統的なヘヴィ・メタル・バンドであろうとする姿勢こそが、BELLFASTの特異な独自性と言えるだろう。 Current Lineup: Koh Nishino - Vocal Makoto Kano - Guitar Taro Arai - Guitar Yumiko - Flute Saori Hoshino - Violin Masaki Ikeda - Bass Ryuta Yamazaki - Drums (Live) Discography: 2001 - "Faraway Prayers" (Mustang Records/MR-2021CD) 2010 - "Insula Sacra" (King Records/KICS-1618) 2017 - "Triquedraco" (King Records/KICS-3534) Contact: Official Site - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - YouTube -



King Records