Sprinting Lament of Reminiscenceのジャケット写真


Sprinting Lament of Reminiscence (feat. Luminous Angels)


I run through the memories, they never end

Every step brings me closer to pretend

In this sprint, I fight the past

But the echoes stay, they always last

The sprinting lament of reminiscence

Racing through a world of persistence

In the rush, I lose my way

Chasing the ghosts of yesterday

The sprinting lament, I can’t deny

The past keeps calling, I can't say goodbye

In the race, the memories scream

The lament of a forgotten dream

Through the darkness, I hear your voice

A fading echo, no longer a choice

Every stride brings me closer to you

But the distance grows, and I never knew

The pain lingers with every breath

A sprint for love that’s met with death

The race is endless, but I keep on

Chasing memories, till they’re gone

The sprinting lament of reminiscence

Racing through a world of persistence

In the rush, I lose my way

Chasing the ghosts of yesterday

The sprinting lament, I can’t deny

The past keeps calling, I can't say goodbye

In the race, the memories scream

The lament of a forgotten dream

I run through the memories, they never end

Every step brings me closer to pretend

In this sprint, I fight the past

But the echoes stay, they always last

The sprinting lament of reminiscence

Racing through a world of persistence

In the rush, I lose my way

Chasing the ghosts of yesterday

The sprinting lament, I can’t deny

The past keeps calling, I can't say goodbye

In the race, the memories scream

The lament of a forgotten dream

  • 作詞者


  • 作曲者


  • プロデューサー


  • ボーカル

    葉月, Luminous Angels

Sprinting Lament of Reminiscenceのジャケット写真

葉月 の“Sprinting Lament of Reminiscence (feat. Luminous Angels)”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

  • 1

    The Dream Score of Fleeting Storms (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • ⚫︎

    Sprinting Lament of Reminiscence (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 3

    Lament of the Singing Night Sky (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 4

    Racing Lament Under a Hazy Moon (feat. Luminous Angels)


  • 5

    Tear Dance of the Wounded Storm (feat. Luminous Angels)


熱きビートが駆け抜ける!この楽曲は、ユーロビートの疾走感とアニメのエモーショナルな世界観を融合させたダンスチューン。『Initial D』のようなスピード感あふれるサウンドに、アニメのドラマティックな要素を加えた一曲です。ハイエナジーなリズム、力強いメロディ、そして胸を熱くする展開が、まるで夜のハイウェイを駆け抜けるような感覚を生み出します。ユーロビート好き、アニメ好き、そしてドライブミュージックを求めるすべての人に贈る、最強のダンスナンバー!

