気が付いたら あなたのこと 思い返し 何時でも
あの日のこと 忘れられず 色褪せない 想いよ
あなただけに 心込め つのる想い 伝えたい
笑顔浮かべ 生きてれば 想い叶う 時が来る
いつでも あなたは 私の 憧れ
あなたが 居るから 私は 輝く
あなたのこと 思い浮かべ 心弾み 変われる
何もかもが 輝いてる そんな気分 感じる
友と呼ぶよ 愛し人 あなただけが 生きる意味
逢いに行くよ 愛し人 共に生きる それが愛
あなたの ことだけ 見つめて いたいよ
心を 捧げる ことこそ 幸せ
逢える時が 待ち遠しい そんなことを 思えば
切なくなる 熱い想い あなただけが 愛しい
元気出して 生きて行く 勇気もらう あなたから
あなたのこと 思い出し 笑顔になる 幸せに
感謝します あの時に 感謝します 偶然に
- Lyricist
early bird institute
- Composer
early bird institute
- Producer
early bird institute
- Recording Engineer
early bird institute
- Mixing Engineer
early bird institute
- Mastering Engineer
early bird institute
- Graphic Design
early bird institute
- Synthesizer
early bird institute
Listen to Tomo (feat. HATSUNE MIKU) by early bird institute
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Tomo (feat. HATSUNE MIKU)
early bird institute
The title is Tomo meaning Frend. Encounters are good, aren't they? I can't forget the day we met, and I keep the memory of that day in my heart, and I think about it every time I come across it. I want to convey my feelings to you and you alone with all my heart, and if I live my life with a smile on my face, I am sure that the time will come when my feelings will come true. I call you my friend. You alone are the meaning of life. I will come to see you. To live together, that is love. I can't wait for the time when I can see you. I think such a thing. I am sad with passionate thoughts. I will live my life with energy. You give me courage. I thank you. For that chance encounter.
Artist Profile
early bird institute
He has had a deep interest in computer music since his student days and has been familiar with it since the days of progressive rock. As a programmer, he has been working with machines for many years and has studied the hot beats of club DJs. Enjoy the music of HJ Early Bird Institute.
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