Traveler (feat. HATSUNE MIKU) Front Cover


Traveler (feat. HATSUNE MIKU)

early bird institute

いつの間にか 眠りにつき 気づけば 夜明け前

旅の途中 見知らぬ街 あなたは どこに居る

空に光る 流れ星は 願い事 叶えるの

祈りながら 朝日を待つ 旅の空 良く晴れて

時が巡り 季節変わり 今年もまた 年を重ねる

街の中で すれ違うの あなたに 似た人と

振り返らず 過ぎ去り行く 人影 足早に

正午過ぎの 光と熱 たまらなく 暑い午後

光の中 眩暈覚え 物陰に 佇むの

時が巡り 季節変わり 今年もまた 年を重ねる

いつの日か 巡り合う 運命の 赤い星

時が巡り 季節変わり 今年もまた 年を重ねる

  • Lyricist

    early bird institute

  • Composer

    early bird institute

  • Producer

    early bird institute

  • Recording Engineer

    early bird institute

  • Mixing Engineer

    early bird institute

  • Mastering Engineer

    early bird institute

  • Graphic Design

    early bird institute

  • Synthesizer

    early bird institute

Traveler (feat. HATSUNE MIKU) Front Cover

Listen to Traveler (feat. HATSUNE MIKU) by early bird institute

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    Traveler (feat. HATSUNE MIKU)

    early bird institute

The title is Traveler. You are on a journey, and before you know it, you are asleep in a strange city, and before you know it, it is just before dawn, and you suddenly wonder where you are. You pray and wait for the sunrise, the sky is clear and you see a shooting star shining in the sky, and you think, "I wonder if my wish will come true. I know my wish will come true. When you pass someone who looks a lot like you on the street, the shadow of that person passes you by without a glance back. The light and heat after noon is irresistible, and you stand in the shadows in the afternoon light, feeling dizzy. I continue my journey in search of the red star that will one day meet my destiny. Such is the meaning of this song.

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