I finally found the light in the dark
I'm sorry,Not going back
I wanna shine like starlight
Like starlight
Like starlight
I finally found the light in the dark
I'm sorry,Not going back
I wanna shine like starlight
Like starlight
Like starlight
Wander aimlessly through life
I can't sleep well tonight
I'm still looking for my place
My heart is about to break
Wander aimlessly through life
I can't sleep well tonight
I'm still looking for my place
My heart is about to break
I don't know what's right
I gotta move on towards the light
Please give me some hope
Please give me some hope
Run away from the pain
Yeah,I can't take it anymore
Run away from the pain
Yeah,I can't take it anymore
I finally found the light in the dark
I'm sorry,Not going back
I wanna shine like starlight
Like starlight
Like starlight
I finally found the light in the dark
I'm sorry,Not going back
I wanna shine like starlight
Like starlight
Like starlight
I finally found the light in the dark
I'm sorry,Not going back
I wanna shine like starlight
Like starlight
Like starlight
- Lyricist
Chroff Soloff
- Composer
Chroff Soloff
Listen to Starlight by Chroff Soloff
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Chroff Soloff
Artist Profile
Chroff Soloff
Chroff Soloffは、等身大を鮮明に綴ったlyricsと洗練された雰囲気を醸し出したbeatsを絶妙なバランスでブレンドする、革新的でオルタナティブなアーティスト。その楽曲は、beat makingからmixing/masteringまでの全てのプロダクションを自らが手掛けており、プロデューサー/エンジニアとしてのスキルも併せ持っている。クリエイティブな才能の片鱗を見せ始めた彼の独創的な世界観と、今後さらに進化を遂げてリリースされるbrand new singleから目が離せない。
Chroff Soloffの他のリリース