Falling Down Front Cover


Falling Down

World Ocean

The Ocean seen from high

It's so vivid sight

But you getting closer

It turns black with fear

The waves change hard and cold


Like the last time

I held your hand

You denied

The tears we shed and the time

We spent become memories

It's widespread in front of us

You denied

I'm falling down

I can't get close to the ocean

Only fear is approaching

Falling down

To your bottomless ocean

Deep and Deep I'm falling love

Not interested in

Beautiful bouquets

Stare at the ocean again

Captive of that blue

The waves change hard and cold


Like the last time

I held your hand

You denied

The tears we shed and the time

We spent become memories

It's widespread in front of us

You denied

I'm falling down

I can't get close to the ocean

Only fear is approaching

Falling down

To your bottomless ocean

Deep and Deep I'm falling love

Ocean is breathtaking

Falling down

In the spectacular sky

No one can see on me

Falling down

You don't know about drowning

Deep and Deep I'm falling

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Falling Down Front Cover

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    Falling Down

    World Ocean

新型コロナウイルスが世界を侵食する最中、スタートを切ったWorld Ocean。全てのことに規制がかかり、ライブは愚か、スタジオに入ることも許されない状況下で書かれた一曲。自宅に篭り、ただひたすらにピアノと睨み合う日々。バンドのフロントマンであるSoutaはWorld Oceanの由来である海を思い浮かべていた。空高くから見る大洋は、青く澄み渡り、全てを包み込む壮大さを持つ。しかし、海に向かい落ちていけば、それは全てをも引き摺り込む黒に変わる。そこに彼は愛の形を感じた。深く知れば知るほど、引き摺り込まれる愛を、ロックに乗せ、繊細かつ大胆に表現した。
経験が浅く、まだ未熟な彼らだからこそ出せるそのサウンド。世界を目指す彼らが繰り出す第一作目。First demo single "Falling Down"

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