Sail away 社交辞令のsympathy 作り笑いの歯痒さよ
Sail away 夜に群がり今日も 自分の居場所を確かめる
右向け右なら可愛がられて 右向け左は蚊帳の外
孤独に帆を立てて 都会の波を進め
Sail away 抱きしめて欲しいんだろう 自分を傷つける愚かさよ
Sail away 一度きりの命に 情けと救いを与えたまへ
認められやしない蟠りを 持て余す日々の若者よ
孤独の海原で 沈まぬ術を盗め
孤独に帆を立てて 都会の波を進め
- Lyricist
Takuya Tosa
- Composer
Takuya Tosa

Listen to sail away -Kodoku ni Ho o Tatete- by Takuya Tosa
Streaming / Download
- 1
Rain 4:am
Takuya Tosa
- 2
My Beloved Grandmother
Takuya Tosa
- 3
Kuyashisa to Anshin no Hazamade
Takuya Tosa
- 4
You Can Be Late for Rendezvouses
Takuya Tosa
- ⚫︎
sail away -Kodoku ni Ho o Tatete-
Takuya Tosa
- 6
The Man Who Brings Shop Closings and Rain
Takuya Tosa
- 7
How About Living with Me?
Takuya Tosa
- 8
Takuya Tosa
- 9
Life is Party
Takuya Tosa
- 10
Takuya Tosa
- 11
Overnight Bus
Takuya Tosa
"Shin-ai no Iro" is the fifth full-length album by Takuya Tosa.
Various human dramas depict "shin-ai".
The album title means the colors of "shin-ai". The Japanese word "shin-ai" can express many kinds of love, such as dear love, true love and deep love. This album comes with the hope that you will find your own "shin-ai".
Artist Profile
Takuya Tosa
Takuya Tosa is a gifted Japanese singer/songwriter. Tosa has been energetically performing concerts, live shows and musical events around the country. Moreover he has also provided music for the stage and been a radio personality, among other wide-ranging activities. Tosa's one-of-a-kind voice always intoxicates people of all ages and both men and women, and his live performances are highly acclaimed. Tosa has his own vocal philosophy. Singing against the degree of emotions, Tosa expresses dynamism with delicacy while he describes exclamation with silence.
Takuya Tosaの他のリリース