Let's Hug Longer Front Cover


Let's Hug Longer



いたずらも あばれん坊も

ママにもっと 見てほしくて

笑っててほしくて してしまうの


べったりも 甘えんぼうも

ママにもっと さわりたくて

なでてほしくて してしまうの



くりかえして ハッときづいたの

ねえ 今 今



ねえ 今 今



ねぇ 今 今



ほんのちょっと ちょっと





今だけの ぜいたくな時間

いつか来る 旅立ちの日

君が 愛で満ちてるように

  • Lyricist

    KANO, non

  • Composer

    KANO, non

Let's Hug Longer Front Cover

Listen to Let's Hug Longer by mamakanon

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    Let's Hug Longer


This song is to cheer for busy moms and dads. In the dizzying daily life of housework, childcare, and work, you may have to tell your child(ren) to wait, and you may sometimes get angry because you are not in the right frame of mind.

To be honest, we, mamakanon, are often overwhelmed by our daily routines and not prioritize our kids needs.

But think about it, our days with our babies are a precious time that does not last. Sometimes, it's nice to put everything to the side and hug your kid(s) a little longer?

When you have physical contact with them, you and your kid(s) will naturally smile and make you feel nice and warm.

These memories will be a treasure when your child(ren) leave your nest someday and lift your spirit.

We hope this song will make you feel calm when you are overwhelmed and stressed. Let the song reach many moms/dads!

Artist Profile

  • mamakanon

    We are "Mamakanon" that started our music career since August 2016. We are a music duo consisted of two mamas. Names of each members are "non" and "kano". Both of us create our own music and music video that are useful for mamas. We've kept creating our music at our own pace in between time taking care of kids and working outside. Our music was born inspired by those kids who hates brushing their teeth, and we hope that they enjoy brushing their teeth with this song:) We also made some music that you can sing while massaging your babies, songs with the lyrics based on the recipe of healthy Japanese baby food and changing diapers, music video made with Japanese traditional collage of pieces of colored paper, lullaby and etc. We'd love all the mamas to make good use of our songs!

    Artist page
