Takaramono III Front Cover


My apocalypse


つらい時に   思い出す   今まであった つらいこと

小4の時    同級生が   自分のせいで死にかけたこと

27の時    転職に失敗し 日雇い暮らしが続いたこと

33の時    父親が    自ら命を絶ったこと

あの時の場面は  今でも思い出せる

あの時と比べると 何てことないと 乗り越えてゆける

見失った時に  振り返る   今まで歩んだ 迷い道

学校の先生に  憧れていた

大学を辞めて  役者を目指していた

あきらめて   サラリーマンになり 音楽にしがみついた

とぎれてばかりの  迷い道だけれど

今ここに 立っている自分自身が 生きてきた証さ

こんな僕でも生きている こんな僕でも生きている

生きていて も いいですか?

まわりに迷惑をかけて 毎日命を奪って 愛の反対を生きている

小さくしか言えない 自分が悔しい 愛を忘れるな そして 死ぬな

いつからか  涙なくして  ただ毎日に流されていた

黄色い線の前に飛び込む人 高い所から空へ飛ぶ人

家族や 見知らぬ人を 道連れにする人

誰にも気づかれず ひとりぼっちで旅立つ人

輝いていた時も きっとあったはず

たったひとつ 重いはずの命が 紙吹雪のように消えていく

こんな社会でも生きている こんな社会でも生きている

泣いて も いいですか?

罪にはならないと言って 隠し持つ言葉のナイフで 愛の反対を生きている

止めることができない 自分が悔しい 心をなくすな そして 生きろ

使命が終われば 僕も旅立つ

その日まで その日まで そのときまで

生きていて も いいですか?

僕の笑顔は 地球に生きるもの全ての


笑って も いいですか?


  • Lyricist


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Takaramono III Front Cover

Listen to My apocalypse by yuki

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  • 1



  • 2

    I have always liked it


  • 3

    Next spring ["From now on two peaple will come to spring" Always"]


  • 4



  • 5



  • 6



  • 7



  • 8

    To my favorite mama


  • ⚫︎

    My apocalypse


  • 10

    Small family The world is a family


  • 11



[Ta.ka.ra.mo.no III]
This is my way of life. (> <)

I can not tell my feelings to a child I've always liked since I was in elementary school. But, after three years in high school, I will finally decide to tell my feelings.
(> <)

I have always liked it
I can not forget the child who told me of my feelings when I was in high school three years. Four years later, in order to forget that child, I decide to show it again. The last line is · · ·.
(> <)

Next spring "From now on two people will come to spring" Always "
Finally I found something important.
(^ O ^)

At the age of 19, I am ready to quit college, leave the family of happy family, and go on a new journey to find my way.
(> <)

It is the beginning of Second road heading for the future.
(> <)

It is ruined in a dream, it is swept away every day, and it is dominated by despair and giving up.
(> <)

It is a wish of a 5 year old boy who was abandoned by his parents and suddenly put in a child care facility. There was a child care facility in my local area, and there were some children who attended school from there. But it was only when I became an adult that I realized something about the child care facility. "Oh, I was happy," I noticed the happiness that my parents raised. I hope that all children can live with their father / mother. Have father, mother and children, smile of all the family there!
(> <)

"To my favorite mama"
It is a feeling to mom of a 3 year old girl who was abandoned child care, confined indoors and starved, a boy of 1 year old and 9 months old. Two people were not noticed by anyone, it was discovered on July 30, 2010, one month after death. It taught immatureness of society with a precious life. Their names are ... Nonetheless, we continue to abandon child abuse and childcare now. Help a person who can not say it is helpful, help a person who says it helps!
(> <)

"My apocalypse"
It will be my sin and my last. I regret myself that I can not do anything.
(> <)

Small family (the world is a family)
From the earliest days when life was born, all the lives on the grass, flowers, trees, insects, animals, people, and the earth are connected.
Everyone is a child of the earth. Everyone is a small family called Earth. Everyone is supporting and living.
I am alive with someone's light, with love in my heart. I love everyone.
(^ O ^)

Everyone is an irreplaceable one. Everyone, thank you for being born. I love everyone.
(^ O ^)

Thank you for reading my feelings.
Thank you for touching my heart.
I am grateful to those who connect with me.
I love people who live in the same era.

Artist Profile

  • yuki

    [Book] [How to become a mother] http://books.parade.co.jp/category/genre02/978-4-86522-009-4.html [Useless efforts of businessman] http://v2-solution.com/booklist/978-4-434-16244-2.html [Music] ● [Takaramono III]11 songs ①Criminal ②I always liked it ③Next spring[From now on we will be spring by spring] ④Heart ⑤Anonymous ⑥Hide-and-seek ⑦Candy ⑧To my favorite mama ⑨My apocalypse ⑩A small family[The world is a family] ⑪Takaramono [Message] All children, including children born from now, all adults including grandpa · grandma, everyone has father / mother. Even if you are not near, even if you are leaving the world, you are in my mind. Everyone is protected by your father and mother. And, everyone gives love to the hearts of fathers and mothers, keeping their fathers and mothers. Everyone is irreplaceable "Takaramono". Regardless of academic background, poor, homeless, unemployed, occupation, status, race, famous unnamed, withdrawal, bedridden, presence / absence of disease / disability, presence of crime, etc. are not relevant. Everyone, things that I should say / What I can not do, What I can do · What I can not do, It is a god who tells me the immatureness of society, sometimes with precious lives. Everyone is irreplaceable "Takaramono". Everyone, thank you for being born. Connecting our lives, our country and the world, and the people who built the cornerstone of the earth, those who live in the same age I love everyone. yuki

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