Melody Taker Has Fired Me Up ! (Live Japan Mix) Front Cover


Melody Taker Has Fired Me Up ! (Live Japan Mix)


I can never say what’s in my mind

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Melody Taker Has Fired Me Up ! (Live Japan Mix) Front Cover

Listen to Melody Taker Has Fired Me Up ! (Live Japan Mix) by MaMApplC

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    Melody Taker Has Fired Me Up ! (Live Japan Mix)


I'm a Mama Instagram Influencer who came back from abroad, a musician, a dentist & a former member of Municipal Public Health Center Steering Committee in Japan. "Beyond 2020" Olympic Related Government Projects I had been selected to participate and Perform Live etc which you can also listen to via Instagram My Original Improvisation Taster Videos. This song title has some poetic imagery you must work out for yourself like a puzzle.

Artist Profile

  • MaMApplC

    I'm a mama, a dentist and a musician in Japan. This is my first official album for supporting patients and medical workers facing COVID-19, because I have been involved in regional public health matters. This music as a message is a cathartic piece which is my improvisation and sadness and frustration in someway. I may not cheer you or myself up but I'd like to share my musical improvisations which are similar feelings to what you may have and which we can understand and become stronger and calmer together. This is Classical and Pop music fused together digitally. I used to be trained as a classical concert pianist at a Junior High and Senior High Music School. But I chose to take a different career path but I have always continued to write and play music. Let's understand and connect with each other through music. Thank you for sharing my music. ps. Patients, medical workers and their families including my husband as a doctor treating COVID-19 patients during this difficult time need moral support from the general public. Just to share our heartfelt feelings is a great support for them. Love and Peace, MaMApplC

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