
  • Play music

※ 試聴は反映までに時間がかかる場合があります。
※ 著作権管理事業者等が管理する楽曲は試聴できません。



  • 江崎とし子

    本名:江崎稔子(えざきとしこ) 1月16日生まれ。 京都市出身。 歌手、作詞、作曲家。 地元京都で、ソロアルバム「Apple tea」を 発表した後、活動拠点を東京に移す。 その後、アニメ「ポケモン」のエンディングテーマの 楽曲、歌を担当する傍ら、テレビCM、アーティストの コーラス、劇伴のゲストボーカルとして参加。 国内外の商業施設のイメージソング、BGMの制作や、 シンガーへの楽曲提供(中孝介、臼澤みさき、他) インディーズアーティストのプロデュース、 ヴォイストレーナー、クリスタルボウル奏者など、 多岐にわたりに活躍中。 これまでに自身のオリジナルアルバムを6枚リリース。


  • Koku

    Kiyoshi Koku Iio was born and raised in Japan. Primarily self taught, he grew up playing sports and later became a drummer in rock bands. After a few years of playing drums, he began exploring other instruments such as guitar, bass, djembe and didgeridoo. While traveling the world, Koku bought a hang drum (Handpan) in Spain in 2017. From there, he traveled to over 20 countries busking with his handpan to make a living. For one year, he led a nomadic life playing music in various countries. In 2018, he came to Vancouver, Canada and was so impressed by the natural beauty that he decided to stay for a long period. The next step in his musical journey is to explore electronic and ambient music using synthesizers and sampled sounds from nature. Koku has produced over 100 videos of him playing music in various environments both in nature and in urban settings which can be seen on YouTube and Instagram. You can also hear his music on Bandcamp and Spotify. Koku is passionate about working with musicians around the world and also providing his services to various people in different fields such as gaming, films, fashion, dance, theatre, etc.

