Feel gloomy like the clouds, cos it rained for 3 days in a row
The weatherman says “Rain will remain in the forecast for this weekend” No way! I want my week back!
...Then I turned my alarm off and found that the weather was so nice this morning!
Feel like something wonderful is about to happen!
Sunshine 寝惚けまなこ くすぐる morning glow
So fine カーテン開けて 世界へ say hello
Wardrobe... toothbrush... hot milk... let’s go!
ねえ ベイベ 判るでしょ? 弾む胸のpizzicato
水曜の雨上がり good day, good time
Rainbow rain, windowpane
色づくよ brand-new day
Don’t be late 急ごう 駅までの on my way
Who knows? どんなドラマ 手招く my next page
Life goes 待ってるはずよ
きっとね la vie en rose(*)
Sweet love...? heartbreak...? everything’s... ok!
Yeah ベイベ スキップで 舗道刻むstaccato
運勢のホロスコープ good sign, good luck
Rainbow rain, marble train
走り出す special day long long lane
進もう ハピネスへ on and on
Feel good, feel bad... feel high, feel blue
人生のmerry-go-round まわれ まわれ まわれ
Rainbow rain, windowpane
色づくよ brand-new day
Don’t be late 急ごう 駅までの on my way
Rainbow rain, marble train
走り出す special day long long lane
進もう ハピネスへ on and on
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Listen to Rainbow Rain by Hanano
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Rainbow Rain
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Fairy voice HANANO. That's funny. Lounge music that creates a retro atmosphere from the 80's "harmonizes" with the singing voice. Up, medium, ballad, a collection of works that you can see a story when you listen to it to the end.
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