In times of trial
I feel so tired, and so alone
But now there's a fire
In place of this ash pile Inside my mind
No need to hide what you think
I'm listening all the time
I need someone to believe
And make me think
A new way
To give me hope Where I am empty
In times of trial
I feel so tired, and so alone
But now there's a fire
In place of this ash pile Inside my mind
No need to hide what you think
I'm listening all the time
I need someone to believe
And make me think
A new way
To give me hope Where I am empty
Where I am empty
Whoo Whoo Whoo
You make my sins go away
I'll never feel the same
You took the dark out of me
And made me see the light o’ day
- Lyricist
Jem Strickland
- Composer
Dee Jay Key
Listen to WHERE I AM EMPTY by Dee Jay Key
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Dee Jay Key
"Turn The Tide" and "HAPPY" were released as debut singles in March 2022 at the same time.
Although it is an unnamed new artist, the pre-delivery of the music video of the two debut singles has been collected by 26.000 plays in one week from the delivery.
The story development beyond the scale attracted a lot of attention.
Artist Profile
Dee Jay Key
Drum & bass artist signed to Gecool Music Entertainment . DJ,Composer,ReMixer.
Dee Jay Keyの他のリリース
Gecool Music Entertainment