嫌な事いっぱいあるけど いい事もたまにある
涙もいっぱい出るけど 夜空には星も出る
ほら幸せな振りして笑おう 幸せな振りして歩こうよ
酷い奴いっぱいいるけど そうじゃない縁もある
どうすりゃ 迷惑だらけの奴らと楽しめる?
ただ幸せなリズムで踊ろう 幸せなリズムで歌おうよ
Happybutchae Happybutchaeばいい ほら Happybutchae
残高あんまりないけど ゼロよりは少しある
稼ぎも全然ないけど 何とか食べられる
さあ億万長者の気分で 余裕のある顔して生きようよ
まだまだ不安はあるけど ないことにすればいい
演技で問題ないんだ いつか真実になる
まあ心配するのも解るけど 心配したって何も動かない
Happybutchae Happybutchaeばいい さあ Happybutchae
同調するのさ ラララ 類は友を呼ぶ(類は神も呼ぶ)
幸運の女神に好かれるためには幸運っぽく 幸運な人っぽく
Luckybutchae Luckybutchae・・・でも人はブツなよ
Luckybutchae Luckybutchae・・・叩かずに叱るんだ
馬鹿な大人が子供を叱らないから 大人になったら
他人に迷惑をかける 褒めて伸ばすのはいい事をした時だけ
悪い事をした時に叱らないから そうなるんだ
僕らが子供の頃は先生に拳骨されて それが悪いと学んだよ
甘いだけが愛情じゃない 楽しいだけが幸せじゃない
Happybutchae Happybutchaeばいい もっと Happybutchae
Happybutchae Happybutchaeばいい もっと Happybutchae
そしたら如来も 菩薩も Rock'n Rollなギター弾くよ
- Lyricist
Hideyuki Ishiyama
- Composer
Hideyuki Ishiyama
Listen to Happybutchae by Hideyuki Ishiyama
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Hideyuki Ishiyama
There are many bad things in life, but sometimes there are good things too. There are a lot of people who are terrible, but sometimes there are also people who aren't. How do you live in such a time? Do I live my life lamenting my unfortunate life? Or should I live my life with a happy face? It goes without saying which one is better, but it's definitely better to live happily. As you go along, more and more good things will happen to you.
Artist Profile
Hideyuki Ishiyama
I started singing my own songs while commuting to school when I was in elementary school and started playing the guitar at the age of 14. He started composing and composing properly at the age of 15 and auditioned. But he was defeated. At the age of 20, he was in charge of guitar and vocals in band activities. Meanwhile, he continued to write original songs. After that, he went through many unemployment and job changes and spent his thirties and forties without a place to express music. But he wakes up at the age of 49. He started delivering music, but it didn't work because he wasn't known. After that, he uploaded his songs to YouTube one after another. After trial and error, he learned how to make arrangements on the internet. For three years, he hone his music production skills, including arranging, and streamed videos to raise his profile. He is once again completely challenging music distribution. He is aiming for further heights.
Hideyuki Ishiyamaの他のリリース