A Humancraftのジャケット写真


Everlasting Run

Ambox Ambo

After love and hope

For the truth and right

The wind is getting up now

Come now, I must start

It’s going to begin

The wind is favorable now

Then, spin a yarn about the everlasting run

This is a story based on the oral tradition

Determination by the revelation

It's a sign to run!

Don't cry from loneliness

Believing you're beside me

There are many thing I'd like to talk about to you

Even if dragon bit me in the leg

Even if magus led me astray at dark

Even if devil inside of me appeared

I wouldn’t stop this run!

No matter what happens

No matter what anyone says

Nothing will stop me from running!

This is as not soft breeze but violent gusty wind

Toward a destination even the weathercock doesn't know

The road toward love is full of adventure

See you again soon at where we met first

It's a sign to run!

I don't stop this run!

Beyond the mountain

Yonder hidden valleys

I find a land where people peacefully live

I looking for you there

Your whereabouts is still unknown

I'll keep this run for you anywhere

Crossing the furious sea

I beat the Delphinus at a race

Following its, I find an ancient civilization

I looking for you there

Your whereabouts is still unknown

I'll keep this run for you anywhere

Flying in the thunderstorm

Zeus is still in existence!

He tells me "this is just between you and us”

All over this planet

But your whereabouts is still unknown

I'll keep this run for you anywhere

Burning with love for you

Keeping great run for eternity

  • 作詞

    Ambox Ambo

  • 作曲

    Ambox Ambo

A Humancraftのジャケット写真

Ambox Ambo の“Everlasting Run”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

Ambox Ambo による 1st Album 『A Humancraft』


Toontrack x G.O.D. Songwriting Competition で入賞した『Humancraft』を加えた全15曲を収録したコンセプトアルバム。


Ambo consists of Ambox
