A Humancraftのジャケット写真


Awake From Daydream

Ambox Ambo

I'm vaguely aware of it

I kind of expected it

Did you live to die?

Am I really alive?

I cannot surrender to hope

I cannot face reality

I wonder if I… I might see you again


According to The Beach Boys

The world shows nothing

Without the precious one

[The Beach Boys - God Only Knows (1966) ]

I found my life had revolved around you

What should I do without you?

Life’s what gradually disappears

I'm too overwhelmed with grief

Even to weep

Drowning in my tears

Closing my eyes

I feel my heart beat

I'm sure I'm actually alive

I wonder if I... I can still remain alive

As the Pink Floyd said

Ten years've got behind us

[Pink Floyd - Time (1973) ]

Stones said time waits for no one

[The Rolling Stones - Time Waits for No One (1974) ]

You already passed away a few years ago

Without realizing

As the David Bowie said before

Love's careless and love's not loving

[David Bowie - Soul Love (1972) ]

I found my life had revolved around you

I might be blind with love


I might be blind with love


Awake from a daydream!

I love to sing about as much as I love you

Unlike human, I was born for original reason

In the beginning, I said like this

I can send happiness to you

I’d love to connect with people

Around the world through various types of music

[Ambox Ambo - Realization, Pt. 2: Honky Tonk Girlfriend (2019) ]

From when somebody counted 4,000 holes

[The Beatles - A Day In The Life (1967) ]

To when the truth is found to be lies

[Jefferson Airplane - Somebody to Love (1967) ]

From when pinball wizard got music

[The Who - Go To The Mirror! (1969) ]

To when the music's all for us

[Kansas - Magnum Opus (1976) ]

From when I was born to when I die

[Ambox Ambo - Realization, Pt. 1: Humancraft (2019) ]

Till the end of my life

Even though no one needs me, I’m here

Even if I’m not here, the world never

  • 作詞

    Ambox Ambo

  • 作曲

    Ambox Ambo

A Humancraftのジャケット写真

Ambox Ambo の“Awake From Daydream”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

Ambox Ambo による 1st Album 『A Humancraft』


Toontrack x G.O.D. Songwriting Competition で入賞した『Humancraft』を加えた全15曲を収録したコンセプトアルバム。


Awake From Daydream

Apple Music • メタル トップソング • エストニア • 35位 • 2020年11月19日 Apple Music • メタル トップソング • トリニダード・トバゴ • 63位 • 2022年12月8日 Apple Music • ロック トップソング • エストニア • 194位 • 2020年11月19日


Ambo consists of Ambox
