White Front Cover

ホワイト一色 静かな空間

時が止まる あの日のまま

時が淀み 繰り返すの


朝かと思えば いつしか夕方

鏡の中 微笑んでる

あなたは誰 私の影


ここに居れば 心安く

夢のような 時が流れ


繭の中の 蛹のよう

夢の中で 時が過ぎる

鏡の中 微笑んでる

あなたは誰 私の影


  • Lyricist

    early bird institute

  • Composer

    early bird institute

White Front Cover

Listen to White by early bird institute

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    early bird institute

The title is White. It is a song about being at peace in a quiet space all in white, like a chrysalis in a cocoon, in a dream. Where is this place? A space all in white could be a hospital somewhere. Maybe it is some kind of institution. The slow tempo of the rhythm tells us how time passes in an indifferent manner. It may be morning, but it could be evening, which means that she has a strange sense of time, or she may have taken a sedative and is letting time pass her by in a state of unconsciousness. The best thing is that she doesn't seem to be suffering. I hope she is happy.

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