絶望 自暴自棄 挫折 無力 崩壊
暗闇の中で 鼓動だけが聞こえる
誰か聞いて すがれば教えてくれる?
考えず 後先 見ないで なんてことしたのか悔やむだけ
失望 塞ぎ込み 自信 希望 消えて
人を信じること もう2度とできない
時がたって 時折不安襲う
だけど今は こうしてここにいるの
孤独 誰もいない 一人 彷徨い もがき
だけど 気づいたら 一人じゃないんだって
I don't like being told to stay strong when I'm weak
I just want you to hug me when I'm weak
If you don't stay by my side, I'll become more and more lonely
いつも繰り返す 必ず誰かそばに
そして一人じゃない たくさんいることに
気づき救われて 生きてここにいられ
不安になったら この歌 歌い続ける
- Lyricist
Kagura Machi
- Composer
Nanao Rin

Listen to Small light by Kagura Machi
Streaming / Download
- 1
Let's start!
Kagura Machi
- 2
Cards Magician
Kagura Machi
- 3
Kagura Machi
- 4
All Together
Kagura Machi
- 5
Strong and weak
Kagura Machi
- 6
Midnight indicator
Kagura Machi
- 7
Kagura Machi
- 8
Falling star
Kagura Machi
- ⚫︎
Small light
Kagura Machi
- 10
Kagura Machi
- 11
Long years
Kagura Machi
- 12
Christmas is anniversary
Kagura Machi
- 13
Silent pain
Kagura Machi
- 14
Now or never
Kagura Machi
Artist Profile
Kagura Machi
On February 11, 2020, I released a CD as a kokoronoutabito Machi. After that, it plunges into the corona misfortune and loses the place of activity. Continued activities centered on distribution apps, and then I changed my singer name to Kaguramachi on August 4, 2023. I have a strong desire to participate in the Kouhaku Uta Gassen, and I continue my daily activities with the hope that my voice will be heard by as many people as possible. I will deliver the voice that resonates deep in the heart to you.
Kagura Machiの他のリリース