Tender world Front Cover


Tender world


君は君のままで 僕は僕のままで いたくて 痛いくらい すれちがう

つないだ手と手と 重ねた手と手が どこまでも 続いていくのなら

ああ この広い空の下 すべてがやさしい世界

そんな夢を みるだけ みるだけなんて

ああ 笑顔も素顔も涙もあふれて

まだ見ぬ 明日へ

届け 届け

きこえた音ちがう 見える色もちがう それでも 寄り添い合う それぞれに

大切にしてきた 譲れないものがある どうか今 祈り叶うならば

ああ この広い空の下 すべてがやさしい世界

そんな夢を みるだけ みるだけなんて

ああ 笑顔も素顔も涙もあふれて

まだ見ぬ 明日へ

届け 届け

ああ この広い空の下 すべてが儚い世界

そんな奇跡 生きてる 生きているから

ああ 笑顔も素顔も涙もあふれて

まだ見ぬ 明日へ 届け 届け 届け 届け・・・・

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Tender world Front Cover

Listen to Tender world by Satona

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    Tender world


It's too big for me, but I've finally been able to write a song about a theme that I've always wanted to write about.

All I can do, being powerless, is pray for a world without war, anger, or hatred.
I truly believe that it's a miracle that I'm alive and can spend every day like this.

First of all, we should cherish the life we've been given, and then each and every one of us, and live while sharing small and big happiness with the people around us.

If everyone in the world could live like that, we wouldn't have to take precious lives from each other.

This "Gentle World" is just my current thoughts on this theme, and to be honest, I still haven't fully digested the frustrating feelings.

But still, it's a song that I want to cherish and sing.

I hope that it will reach the hearts of those who listen to it, and reach every corner of the world.

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