Break the silence Front Cover


Break the silence


Break the silence, it's on

Let fuckin' go of my hand

Give me a break

You don't have to be afraid

Just fuckin' lose your self

I promise

Whatever happens to you

Whatever happens to me

We won't stop anymore

I promise

Whatever happens to the world

There is still some hope

I promise, I promise, I promise

Break the silence, it's on

Let fuckin' go of my hand

Until the break of dawn

Keep going on

Just fuckin' lose your self

I promise

Whatever happens to you

Whatever happens to me

We won't stop anymore

I promise

Whatever happens to the world

There is still some hope

I promise, I promise, I promise

We have lost many things since that day

So we will take back what is ours once more

I promise, I promise, I promise

I promise, I promise, I promise

I promise

We'll get it back

I promise

Whatever happens to you

Whatever happens to me

We won't stop anymore

I promise

Whatever happens to the world

There is still some hope

I promise

I promise and I sing

I promise

Whatever happens to you

Whatever happens to me

We won't stop anymore

I promise

Whatever happens to the world

There is still some hope

I promise, I promise, I promise

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Break the silence Front Cover

Listen to Break the silence by JASON LI

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    Break the silence



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    エモ・メタル・スクリーモを主体とした楽曲と激しいライブパフォーマンスで活動する鹿児島在住4人組エモーショナルハードコアバンド。Jason Li (Vo.) ソロ活動時にサポートであった3人を正規メンバーに迎え入れる事で2018年、バンド "JASON LI" を結成。​同時に無料配布音源 "SERVES YOU RIGHT" をリリースし、収録曲である "Serves you right" のMVを公開。全国9ヶ所を巡るツアーを敢行しツアーファイナル鹿児島 Speed King はソールドアウト。2019年12月には全国流通盤 1st EP "RAGING THIRST" をリリースし全国7ヶ所のツアーを行うが、ファイナル直前でライブ活動休止状態に。約2年の時を経て2022年9月に完全復活すると県内外問わず勢力的にライブ活動を展開中。

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