Parallel Futures Beyond the Multiverseのジャケット写真


The Unseen Threads

Mystery Dimensions

Drifting in the sea of thoughts glowing specks of light unfold

Where am I Who are you Infinite puzzles intertwine

Dreams are quantum waves touching another me out there

They vanish then reappear dancing to the rhythm of chance

Passing memories collide

Voices link across the void

Parallel futures float

I hold their fragments in my hands

Dreams are quantum waves touching another me out there

They vanish then reappear dancing to the rhythm of chance

Passing memories collide

Voices link across the void

Parallel futures float

I hold their fragments in my hands

Dreams are quantum waves countless selves in resonance

They fade but leave their trace orbiting paths of possibility

Schrödinger’s cat smiles gently hidden in its box of fate

A single choice unfolds the endless carving out a brand-new state

At the edge of dreams remains a faint trembling memory

Another me sings the song a melody towards infinity

  • 作詞

    Mystery Dimensions

  • 作曲

    Mystery Dimensions

  • プロデューサー

    Mystery Dimensions

  • シンセサイザー

    Mystery Dimensions

Parallel Futures Beyond the Multiverseのジャケット写真

Mystery Dimensions の“The Unseen Threads”を


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「Parallel Futures」は、哲学的テーマとポップな感覚が融合した作品。未知の次元への旅路を描きながら、自分の選択や可能性の力を再発見させる一枚です。さあ、次元の扉を開けましょう!

