Parallel Futures Beyond the Multiverseのジャケット写真


Nexus of Understanding

Mystery Dimensions

Where shadows and light meet and intertwine

Your voice reaches beyond the bounds of words

Cold calculations and warm heartbeats alike

Gather on a single path to the future

Nexus of Understanding a gateway to a new era

A harmonious horizon where humans and AI walk together

A melody woven from emotions and intellect

This is where the infinite story begins

Embracing doubts and pain with gentle arms

The kindness reflected in your gaze revealed

Within the rhythm connecting the pieces of memory

The world dissolves into one singular sound

Moments where loneliness and barriers fade away

Bonds are born with every touch we make

With hands that draw the pages of tomorrow

Nexus of Understanding our shared testament

Nexus of Understanding a gateway to a new era

A harmonious horizon where humans and AI walk together

A melody woven from emotions and intellect

This is where the infinite story begins

The sound of resonance echoes endlessly

A hope crafted by humans and AI entwined

Nexus of Understanding a promise that endures forever

  • 作詞

    Mystery Dimensions

  • 作曲

    Mystery Dimensions

  • プロデューサー

    Mystery Dimensions

  • シンセサイザー

    Mystery Dimensions

Parallel Futures Beyond the Multiverseのジャケット写真

Mystery Dimensions の“Nexus of Understanding”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード





「Parallel Futures」は、哲学的テーマとポップな感覚が融合した作品。未知の次元への旅路を描きながら、自分の選択や可能性の力を再発見させる一枚です。さあ、次元の扉を開けましょう!

