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待望の新作〝華紅翠聴〟。Rhyzz名義での楽曲は約7年ぶりとなる今作は、〝復帰作〟と言っても過言ではない。過去にリリースされた和シリーズの〝朧月〟や〝ひとひらり〟〝恋衣〟と同様に、今作も美しい日本語の使い方や言葉選び、和のメロディーがRhyzzらしい一曲だと云えるだろう。特に歌詞には拘り、現代人の耳には聞き慣れない言葉が終始流れてくる。その言葉の意味を探りながら聴く事で一味も二味も違った楽しみ方ができる。タイトルの〝華紅翠聴〟は歌詞に綴られた色〝退紅・朱華・翠色・聴色〟四色を集めた造語。sakura memory...春の出逢いと別れ、一瞬で訪れ一瞬で散りゆく桜と季節。甘く切なく、そしてどこか懐かしい気持ちになる珠玉の一曲。

Artist Profile

  • Rhyzz

    Born in downtown Tokyo. "Rhyzz" is a love song maker who skillfully puts beautiful, sweet and sad words on a gentle yet uplifting sound. Rhyzz's tracks are full of variety and do not fit into any musical category. The lyrics are written with a worldview that makes you rediscover the beauty of the Japanese language, which you may have forgotten, creating a unique Rhyzz world that is both nostalgic and new. He is the first Japanese artist to participate in the compilation album "IN YA MELLOW TONE 5" by an overseas hip-hop artist, and has been asked to collaborate with overseas artists, expanding the scope of his activities.

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