My Happy Mind Front Cover


My Happy Mind


今日も見えない いつもの空は始まりの戦い

踏み出してほら 笛が鳴るから僕にパスをくれ

走る姿と夏の風に乗って 君が手を振っている

負けて泣いて忘れて思い出したって いつも追いかけた

誰も強く弱くもないさ 夢はゴールじゃない


ああ 青み渡る できるなら happy mind 高く飛びたいんだ

そう でも厳しいマニュアルは give up,ok 世の中がんじがらめ

声をかけて胸をたたいて 僕らの夢はひとつ

ハーフタイムに作戦立て直す 何度でも走ろう

壁が高く登れそうにない 同じ場所なら無理さ

僕が君に届けたロングパス 下がってごらん?

ああ 見つけてくれ できるだけ happy mind 困難乗り越えて

そう 負けた後も握手して you can,you must 明日も前を向いて

ああ 青み渡る できるなら happy mind 高く飛びたいんだ

そう でも厳しいマニュアルは give up,ok 世の中がんじがらめ

ああ 追いつけたらできるかも happy mind

それが始まりになる my happy mind

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My Happy Mind Front Cover

Listen to My Happy Mind by hiro365bedtimestory

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    My Happy Mind


The hottest pop rock song in the world of soccer is complete! The sound is full of energy, and it's a work that asserts self-assertion and spiritualism. The cheers of 2,900 people at Bedtime Stadium are also recorded at the same time.

Artist Profile

  • hiro365bedtimestory

    Hiro   Birthday August 22 Blood type AB type       2010 Indie debut as TICATICA's vocal HIRO. As a quartet band with pop and fantasy theme by rock, I perform lots of live, events, radio appearances and street live activities. All songs are lyrics and composition.   July 2013 Enter the domestic event finalists of the world's largest live contest «Emergency Music · Festival». The stage of the final was held in Shibuya O-EAST in front of 1,500 spectators.   2014 Three singles in 4 years to «Across the bookmarker» «LITTLE CALENDAR» «Smile's Stars» «Windy Road »of download card Delivered on itunes «sugar dream» released.   2014 In September we started activities as a bass player of Masuzawa 2015 In July, I released my first punk sound on the 1st mini album «I was on your youth's page», which I covered jacket design.   August 22, 2016 Hiro officialwebsite begins the story of 365 days.

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