Breakin' It Faster (feat. DOUGEN) Front Cover


Breakin' It Faster (feat. DOUGEN)

End All

I gotta a bad feeling about this

I gotta make a switch

It's never never too late

Breakin' it faster

One chance to make it right

Bring me to life

One chance to make it right

Bring me to life

This is our lives

My voice gotta be heard

I won't accept defeat

I rise to my feet

I won't accept defeat

I rise to my feet

Fuck you and your dream

I’ll never be the same





Breakin' it faster

We make us

No one saves us

But ourselves walk our path





Breakin' it faster

I'm living my own way

We will walk our own path

Stay alive

I’m running through the fire

You know not

Who are you to Judge me

Livin’ my life harder

Breakin' it faster





Breakin' it faster

Break it

Bring me the pain

Just watch me bleed

We make us

No one saves us

But ourselves walk our path





Breakin' it faster

I'm living my own way

We will walk our own path

I gotta bad feeling about this

Breakin' it faster

I gotta make a switch

Breakin' it faster





Breakin' it faster

I'm living my own way

We will walk our own path

  • Lyricist

    End All

  • Composer

    End All

  • Producer

    Bitoku Sakamoto

  • Guitar

    End All

  • Bass Guitar

    End All

  • Drums

    End All

  • Vocals

    End All

Breakin' It Faster (feat. DOUGEN) Front Cover

Listen to Breakin' It Faster (feat. DOUGEN) by End All

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    Breakin' It Faster (feat. DOUGEN)

    End All


Mark your calendars, metalheads! END ALL is back with their highly anticipated new single, "Breakin' It Faster", set for release on February 7. It's been a year since their last smash hit, "Get Into Our Rage", which skyrocketed to #1 on the iTunes Metal Album Chart right after its debut. The wait is over, and the band's relentless evolution is on full display in this electrifying new track.

Like its predecessor, "Breakin' It Faster" is produced by Bitoku (of Sailing Before The Wind), ensuring the same crushingly powerful sound fans know and love. The single's stunning cover art is crafted by Take-Shit from COCOBAT, adding an extra layer of intensity to the release.

With lyrics about shattering obstacles and charging forward without fear, the song radiates an unstoppable positive energy. It's a dramatic, melodic, and fiercely heavy track that perfectly captures the current state of END ALL-a band embracing growth and transformation with the addition of new members, fresh recordings, and an unstoppable drive to evolve.

But that's not all! The music video for "Breakin' It Faster" will drop a week before the single's release, setting the stage for their big release party at Shibuya CYCLONE on February 11. Joining the celebration are View From The Soyuz and In For The Kill, making it a night no metal fan will want to miss. Following the party, END ALL is gearing up for a release tour across Japan.

Latest Rank In

Breakin' It Faster

iTunes Store • Metal TOP SONGS • Japan • TOP 59

Past Playlist In

Breakin' It Faster

Spotify • Pluto Selection(Biweekly) • 18 Feb 2025 Spotify • New Music Everyday - tuneTracks (curated by TuneCore Japan) • 7 Feb 2025

Artist Profile

  • End All

    田中 諭(vo,b) 岡田 “Karl” 精二郎(g) 楠 大地(ds) 2009年より始動。精力的なライヴ活動を続けながら、2017年に1st Album『SIGNS OF LIFE』、2020年には2nd Album『THE BE ALL,END ALL』をリリース。2018年には『METAL BATTLE JAPAN』で優勝し、ドイツが世界に誇る巨大メタル・フェス『WACKEN OPEN AIR』に出場を果たす。 幾度かのメンバー・チェンジを経ながら2023年に現在の顔ぶれとなり、2024年1月に同布陣での初の公式音源となるEP『GET INTO OUR RAGE』を発表。同作のリリースにあたっては音楽評論家・増田勇一氏による「爆走トリオに新局面到来!この飛躍的進化を見逃すな!」という推薦文が寄せられている。 元来のスラッシュ・メタル的なスタイルを基盤としながらも音楽的に格段の進化を遂げた同作は、各方面から高い評価を獲得。ライヴ・バンドとしても定評があり、フロントマンであるTanakaの存在感と扇動力、新たなスーパー・ギタリストとの呼び声も高いOkadaの超絶プレイ、機動力と正確さを兼ね備えたKusunokiのドラミングは、バンドを初めて観る人たちの目と耳をも釘付けにしている。 活動領域が着実に広がりつつある今、早くもニューシングル”BREAKIN' IT FASTER”が20254年2月7日にリリースされる。2025年もEND ALLから目が離せない!

    Artist page

    End Allの他のリリース

Shibuya Metal-Kai Records
