Unstable Front Cover




Here's my serious opinions

We are in the cage of mirage

Repeat to stop and oblivion

We stand on the unstable

Building the castle of sands

And then destroy it by water

Repeating again and again and again

So we're standing on the unstable

Corrosion starts from inside out

Delusion's breeding a fungus

The rotten tree will dead and collapse

With no one to notice it

Stepped over the line

We've see the sign of close decline

Nobody assigned to a person who decide the course

Here's my serious opinions

We are in the cage of mirage

Repeat to stop and oblivion

We stand on the unstable

Corrosion starts from inside out

Delusion's breeding a fungus

The rotten tree will dead and collapse

With no one to notice it

Prophets are abound

They said that history goes around

Then why can't they found the way to solve the chain of spite

Here's my serious opinions

We are in the cage of mirage

Repeat to stop and oblivion

We stand on the unstable

Building the castle of sands

And then destroy it by water

Repeating again and again and again

So we're standing on the unstable

I'm sick of this world

Misery can't fade away

We will be mess in the storm that controlled by machine

Threating by violence of gaze

Initiate the desperation

Here's my serious opinions

We are in the cage of mirage

Repeat to stop and oblivion

We stand on the unstable

We can't get over the wall

The night is still full of woes

We've damaged by exposed negativity of world

So please

Clean this world

  • Lyricist

    Hayata Goto

  • Composer

    Masayuki Yamaguchi

Unstable Front Cover

Listen to Unstable by CYANSEA

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Artist Profile


    Formed in 2021 and started live performances in 2022. Combining metal, pop, and electro music with their own unique interpretation, their music has a serious and emotional worldview. In their live performances, in addition to aggressive staging influenced by hardcore and metalcore, they also express highly immersive art that goes beyond music by performing while projecting images on the back monitor. The band also completes sound production, live production, video direction, and march design all by themselves.

    Artist page
