Lucky Front Cover

If I’m not good you should

Watch yourself

Become other side

How you feel now?

All the good girls made to

Heaven but bad girls made

You go to paradise

Baby is too late to apologize

Just because you got

Caught allright now

You look so dumb crying and you

Never been sorry

For your mistakes

You could have me but you

Never deserve me

I guess it’s time for you to

Know what

I’m thinking about now

Oh you were lucky

You were lucky

You were lucky, lucky baby

To had me

To had me

To had me, had me baby

Oh you were lucky

You were lucky

You were lucky, lucky baby

To had me

To had me

To had me, had me baby

Oh you were lucky

You were lucky

You were lucky, lucky baby

To had me

To had me

To had me, had me baby

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Lucky Front Cover

Listen to Lucky by USEN-NEXT I'moon

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    USEN-NEXT I'moon

『USEN-NEXT I'moon』のパフォーマンスそのままのパワフル&セクシーでガールクラッシュな魅力いっぱいの楽曲です。

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  • USEN-NEXT I'moon

    20-21 SEASONでは、シンクロ性の高さを武器に全12ROUNDを戦い抜き、 21-22 SEASONでは新たにディレクターOH-SE指導の下、持ち味のシンクロ性に加えメンバー一人ひとりの個性を尊重したパフォーマンスを披露しました。 3期目となる22-23 SEASONでは、9人体制となりさらに進化したI'moonをお届けいたします。 ルーツやスタイルも違う彼女たちがステージ上に集まると、メンバーは個性的な「カラー」を放ちながらも、華麗さやかっこよさ、アーティスト性が見事にシンクロし、人々を魅了します。 パワフルでセクシーなパフォーマンスと、ガールクラッシュな魅力に溢れる新生 「USEN-NEXT I'moon」を是非応援してください!

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