Born To Shine (feat. Trickle)のジャケット写真


Born To Shine (feat. Trickle)


We don't know what's right or wrong

But we still fight

Try to break those bitter chains that bind you tight- heart of light

Born to burn bright

In a world that's drowning in the wickedness

Of our bitter poisons

Take a stand and rise against all the hatefulness

Let me hear your voices

Life can be so hard

The days may be dark ahead

Fight for your rights and

Don't dare give in

Will you stand until the end? Hey, yeah

So don't lose heart and march on with me

With strength to believe

The hopeless say we're just born to die

But when I look inside

I see a light that was Born to Shine

We're unstoppable

We're unbreakable, ignite

We're Born to Shine

We're Born to Shine

So keep the fire burning all night

Cuz they'll never break our pride

We're Born to Shine

We're Born to Shine

Nothing can stop us now

Nothing can stop us now

Nothing can stop us now

Sing it out

Sing it out!

It doesn't matter

Whatever stands in our way

We're Born to Shine

We're Born to Shine

So raise your flag and keep it held high

Cuz we won't go down with the day

We're Born to Shine

We're Born to Shine

We are unstoppable

We are unbreakable

We are invincible!

Nothing can stop us now

Nothing can stop us now

Sing it out

Sing it out!

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Born To Shine (feat. Trickle)のジャケット写真

3×4×S の“Born To Shine (feat. Trickle)”を


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    Born To Shine (feat. Trickle)


三味線とチェロの和洋弦楽ユニット3×4×S(SA-SHI-SU)による、ユニット初となる本格和ロック楽曲。ゲストボーカルには実力派シンガーTrickleを迎え、和の力強い音の中に、西洋的な響きと進行が共存する楽曲となった。舞台『Born To Shine ~Re:Boot~』主題歌。


  • 3×4×S

    3絃の三味線と4弦のチェロ、二つの弦楽(Strings)が交錯する前代未聞の和洋弦楽ユニット、3x4xS(さしす)。 日本を代表する伝統楽器である三味線。奏するのは数多くの伝統舞台に立ちながら、その正体を明かせない狐面の三味線奏者、しゃみお。YouTube登録者数は35万人越え。 一方西洋の伝統楽器 チェロを奏するのは、日本・オランダ・イギリスでチェロを学び、国内・国外コンクール受賞歴を多数持つチェリスト、ヌビア。また数々の著名アーティストに楽曲提供を行う作曲家・作詞家でもある。 はじく単音・伸ばす長音、スローガンは「撥擦自在(ばっさつじざい)」 あくまで音楽を「音を楽しむ行為」と捉え、現代日本の音楽シーンに新たな風穴をあけるべく、真面目に不真面目をし最高峰の技術で遊び尽くす。


  • Trickle
