Rainbow Records Front Cover

Rainbow Records

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Track List

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  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music

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シンガーソングライター高尾伶による待望の3rd mini album。25歳で一度音楽に挫折し、しかしそこから這い上がりまた活動を再開させてからのこの3年間で制作した楽曲群から構成された。復帰第1弾となる自身の”ラジオ愛”から生まれた応援歌「スタンダップ」、YouTubeで初の”万超え”再生を突破しスマッシュヒットした「別れ話になる前に」、世界的ビートのレゲトンに乗せて”新郎新婦の友人の余興”という視点から歌った新世代のウェディングソング「¡OMEDETO!」、自身初のオールロケでMV制作をした「プランB」、TikTokで今にもバズりそうな「茶番」、昔ながらのフォークソングに敬意を表し社会風刺に挑戦した「Black Bird Blues」。一つのジャンルには収まり切らないこの虹のようなアルバムを高尾伶の自主レーベルのコンセプトでもある『Rainbow Records』と名付け作品とした。

Artist Profile

  • Rei Takao

    Rei Takao (April 24, 1993) is a Japanese singer-songwriter. Born in Toyokawa City, Aichi Prefecture, she is type AB. 
 Her name and voice are "unforgettable once you've heard them. She is known for her accessible melody lines and inspiring lyrics, and often talks about something other than music during her live performances. He often talks about things other than music in his live performances. 
 He also loves comedy as much as he loves music, and performed in front of a national student audience and played in a band when he was a student. He was also fascinated by radio personalities, so he started "Neil Night-Oppon," an all-night show modeled after "All Night Nippon," and posted it on YouTube. 
 His influences are Porno Graffitti and Kenji Ozawa. His favorite manga are ONE PIECE and High School Family. His dream is to host the Kohaku Uta Gassen. 
 He was almost inactive since the release of "SOUL TO GO" in 2017, but resumed his activities mainly through sound releases starting with "Standup" in 2021, and his 2022 release "Before Farewell" became a smash hit with over 20,000 views on YouTube. She is a singer-songwriter who is attracting much attention for her future progress. 
 He is currently active on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, mainly preparing to resume live performances and producing sound recordings.

    Artist page

    Rei Takaoの他のリリース

Rainbow Records