Wherever Front Cover




果てしなく広がる この青空の下


ずっと変わらないよ 僕らのこの絆

胸に抱いて 歩いてく

ふざけて笑い合ったり ケンカした日もあったね

共に泣いた事も今は 想い出の一つで

数え切れない程の 記憶の欠片達を

掬い上げると不意に 溢れる笑顔

流れゆく時の中で 避けられぬ日々の移り変わりに

離れ離れになっても 築いた絆だけは揺るがない

果てなく澄み渡る青い空 この広い地球の下で


僕らは一人ではないんだ さぁ前向いて歩こう

その先で また笑い合える様に

無邪気に走り回る子供達に いつしか

懐かしいあの頃の 僕らを重ねた

少しでも変われたかな 胸張ってちゃんとそう言える様に

つまづきそうになっても 踏ん張ってまた一歩踏み出そう

いつまでも変わらないよ 僕らのこの絆

空の向こうに浮かんでる 君の顔

いつまでもその笑顔が 変わる事のない様に

約束を胸に抱いて 歩いてく

時には会いたいね そしたら語り合おう

喜びも憂いも その全てを

またいつか会える日まで この青空の下


僕らは一人ではないんだ さぁ前向いて歩こう

その先で また笑い合える様に

We are linked under the sky even wherever

  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    Takatoshi, TokyoShinobuxxWorks

Wherever Front Cover

Listen to Wherever by Takatoshi

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VOCALIST Takatoshi, who is active mainly in Kansai, has re-released the song "Wherever" which is very popular at live performances!

Artist Profile

  • Takatoshi

    In 2011 he began his long-awaited musical career with his honed talent. At SHINOBUxxVOCALS, he is engaged in full-fledged professional voice training composition activities and lyric writing activities. Let your talent bloom further. In 2013 he made his national artist debut at an event hosted by World of EMD LABEL&SHINOBUxxVOCALS (at Shinsaibashi Hills Bakery). Started full-scale activities as Takatoshi! 2016 Long-awaited 1st CD Burrning Soul/Aishiteru and 2nd CD Help will be released simultaneously from World of EMD LABEL! His melody and composition sense are admired by those in the industry and he receives high praise. Since then he has been performing regularly at live events mainly in the Kansai region, and continues to produce and record new songs every year. Currently belongs to BRAVE RUSH LABEL of World of EMD LABEL. New songs will be released soon. At the live event (sponsored by World of EMD LABEL) to be held at the Shinsaibashi Hills Bread Factory on December 8th at the end of 2018, they will present their first band style to the world with major artists as backing band members (Tokyo Shinobuxx Works).

    Artist page

