All time demo collection 2016-2021のジャケット写真




I wonder what I'm living for

Sometimes think

I'll just cross that bridge when I come to it

In that way I escapes

I don't know whether the future is bright

I don't stop walking today

Is only a thing suiting the eyes reality?

Turn off TV,Because it's only bad news

I call for your name

My voice didn't arrive

I was alone even if I came back to the room

I don't know

Don't want to understand it

Only the mirror which I took you is left

This is song for you and me

Someday you'll understand

When there is the beautiful lie

I take it to the blue sky

This is song for you and me

Let my voice reach you

Call for my name only tonight

  • 作詞

    小笠原 周太郎

  • 作曲

    小笠原 周太郎

All time demo collection 2016-2021のジャケット写真

NEO の“Blue”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

NEO 1st demo "Restart"~ 4th demo "Repaint the wall"までの


  • NEO

    愛知県名古屋市発 3ピース・メロディックパンクバンド 2016年6月結成 メロディックパンクを軸に各々が影響の受けた音楽を加え独自の世界観でジャンルに捉われず活動中

