Bouvardia Front Cover




水面に揺れる 白い小舟

思い乗せて あなたのもとへ Fu

時を超えて 銀河を超え 無数の星に


魅かれあう瞬間の 木漏れ日の中


空に舞う花びらの行方が気になって 走った

夜空を駆けるピースに 願いを込め集め

夢に描いた世界の 扉開けて

踏み込む勇気が 未来を照らすのさ 歩みだせば

旅路に迷った数だけ 夜明けに咲いた青いルディア

緑の風に 揺れて踊る

森の歌に 霞む青空 Fu

瞼閉じて 頬をなでる 無邪気な春風


紡いできた花飾り 強い絆で


とめどなく あふれ出す 涙に微笑んで 夢見て

夜空を彷徨うピースに 呪文を唱えて

夢に描いた世界を 照らす星に

小さなつぼみに未来を 託すのさ愛のカタチ

錆びつくレールに寄り添う けなげに咲いた青いルディア

また会える 沈む夕日 願いを伝え


オーロラに導かれ 歩んだその先に 待ってる Dreaming!

夜空を彩るピースに あなたを見つけて

夢に描いた世界の ページめくる

幸せの予感大地に こころ踊るベルが響く

水面に浮かぶ小舟に 青いルディアを乗せて送る

夢がかなう時 歩んできた 信じて

Believing yourself you are stronger than you think

今 飛び立とう!

夢と希望に 自分の気持ちを ぶつけて恐れず


  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    NOA, Seigi Hattori

  • Producer


  • Vocals


Bouvardia Front Cover

Listen to Bouvardia by PeachFlower

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Introducing Peach Flower, a bilingual trio of sisters making their debut with the heartfelt single "Bouvardia". With pure, crystal-clear voices and poetic lyrics, the song delivers a powerful message of hope, courage, and love.

Momo (12), Hana (9), and Yuki (5) combine their unique personalities to create a song that resonates deeply with listeners of all ages. "Bouvardia" paints vivid imagery of gentle rippling waters and starlit skies, carrying themes of taking bold steps forward and cherishing the bonds that connect us.

This debut single marks the beginning of a new musical journey for Peach Flower, bringing heartfelt melodies and inspiring messages to the world.

Let "Bouvardia" plant a seed of hope in your heart and brighten your day.

Don't miss it!

Artist Profile

  • PeachFlower

    Peach Flower is a bilingual trio of sisters: Momo (12), Hana (9), and Yuki (5). With their pure and heartfelt voices, they bring music that touches the hearts of listeners across all ages. Despite their young age, the trio showcases exceptional singing talent and emotional expression, delivering songs that inspire courage, hope, and the importance of connection. Their music reflects universal themes that resonate deeply with people around the world. Their debut single, Bouvardia, tells a story of taking bold steps into the future and celebrating the bonds of love. Each sister has a unique personality that blends seamlessly, creating harmonies that are both soothing and powerful. Through their music, Peach Flower aims to brighten the world with songs that celebrate dreams, hope, and the beauty of life in its small moments.

    Artist page
