小さな鼓動 胎内の夢
初めて抱いた 震える手のぬくもり
天使の泣き声 命の輝き
私の世界が 優しく塗り替わる
幼い笑顔と 泥だらけの膝
転んで立ち上がる 夢への一歩
寄り添う心と 背中を押す愛
瞳に映った 無限の可能性
時は流れて 君は大きくなる
喜びも痛みも 全てが宝物
見守る私の 祈りと涙は
いつまでも君と 共にあるから
若き翼広げ 社会へ飛び立つ
挫折を越えては 道を切り開く
恋に出会って 人生の色が変わる
新たな誓いで 未来を描く
親となる君を 見つめる私は
歩んだ道のり 思い返してる
命は繋がる 世代を超えて
愛は深まる 限りもなく
いのちのリレー 果てない旅路
君と紡いだ 永遠の物語
- Lyricist
- Composer
- Producer
- Programming
Listen to Legacy of Life by Alexsophie
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Legacy of Life
"The Relay of Life" is a poetic journey that traces life's path from birth to parenthood, told through the intimate lens of a parent's heart. The song unfolds from the first fluttering heartbeat in the womb, through the innocent days of childhood, the years of learning and growth, the venture into society, and finally to love and marriage - all leading to the beautiful moment when life flows into the next generation.
This piece weaves together universal themes of the profound parent-child bond, life's joys and sorrows, and love that transcends generations. It gently speaks to the eternal cycle of life that touches every soul. Through everyday moments, it captures the complex emotions of parenthood - the joy and anxiety of raising children, the bittersweet feelings of watching them grow, and the profound mystery of life continuing into future generations.
Artist Profile
I am a digital creator proficient in both illustration and music production. Leveraging my keen sense of color, delicacy, and creativity, I express a unique artistic vision. I craft heart-touching lyrics and melodies, constantly exploring my musical style.
Legacy of Life