Toy Box Front Cover


Something Went Wrong


See your sad expression

When I get free

And, 20 degree

So, I’m seek hometown pleasure

You’re going outside

But, I don’t care to you

I’m gonna stay about place

Like an angel

I’d like to know you

What happened?

Sunday morning

Someday leave me alone

You said

“I’m afraid of deep inside.”

Love comes too mellow

Falling down, what do you?

Something went wrong

See your sad expression

When I get free

And, 20 degree

So, I’m seek hometown pleasure

You’re going outside

But, I don’t care to you

I’m gonna stay about place

Like an angel

I’d like to know you

What happened?

Sunday morning

Someday leave me alone

You said

“I’m afraid of deep inside.”

Love comes too mellow

Falling down, what do you?

Something went wrong

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Toy Box Front Cover

Listen to Something Went Wrong by imoto

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いもと。の待望の6thアルバム。変態性とポップさが絶妙に混ざり合った最高のアルバムとなっている。YouTubeで先行PVを出した「Something Went Wrong」「接吻」や、過去曲である「レモンサイダー」「Midtown」など、1年半ぶりの16曲入り大容量アルバムである。いもと。の世界観をお楽しみ頂きたい。

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