Circle Front Cover




満ちてるMoon on Monday

燃えるFlame, Tuesday

水浴びてる, Wednesday

I’m knocking on the wood, Thursday

24K shining, Friday

地に足つける Saturday

陽が上がる, Sunday

24/7, All day

North to South, East to West

Smiles and Tears, Shine and Dark

365, Keeps spinnin’ around

Day 'n’ Nite

Day 'n’ Nite

North to South, East to West

Smiles and Tears, Shine and Dark

365, Keeps spinnin’ around

Day 'n’ Nite

Day 'n’ Nite

満ちてるMoon on Monday

燃えるFlame, Tuesday

水浴びてる, Wednesday

I’m knocking on the wood, Thursday

24K shining, Friday

地に足つける Saturday

陽が上がる, Sunday

24/7, All day

North to South, East to West

Smiles and Tears, Shine and Dark

365, Keeps spinnin’ around

Day 'n’ Nite

Day 'n’ Nite

North to South, East to West

Smiles and Tears, Shine and Dark

365, Keeps spinnin’ around

Day 'n’ Nite

Day 'n’ Nite

Watch your thoughts, for they become words

Watch your words, for they become actions

Watch your actions, for they become habits

Watch your habits, for they become character

And finally watch your character

For they become your destiny

満ちてるMoon on Monday

燃えるFlame, Tuesday

水浴びてる, Wednesday

I’m knocking on the wood, Thursday

24K shining, Friday

地に足つける Saturday

陽が上がる, Sunday

24/7, All day

North to South, East to West

Smiles and Tears, Shine and Dark

365, Keeps spinnin’ around

Day 'n’ Nite

Day 'n’ Nite

North to South, East to West

Smiles and Tears, Shine and Dark

365, Keeps spinnin’ around

Day 'n’ Nite

Day 'n’ Nite

満ちてるMoon on Monday

燃えるFlame, Tuesday

水浴びてる, Wednesday

I’m knocking on the wood, Thursday

24K shining, Friday

地に足つける Saturday

陽が上がる, Sunday

24/7, All day

North to South, East to West

Smiles and Tears, Shine and Dark

365, Keeps spinnin’ around

Day 'n’ Nite

Day 'n’ Nite

North to South, East to West

Smiles and Tears, Shine and Dark

365, Keeps spinnin’ around

Day 'n’ Nite

Day 'n’ Nite

  • Lyricist

    Koji Nakayama

  • Composer

    Sam Higo

Circle Front Cover

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Artist Profile

  • Bain

    Bain 2001年生まれ、東京を拠点に活動するアーティスト。 堪能な英語力を持ち、卓越したリズムセンスとジャンルを超え音楽性を追求 した楽曲がティーンの層を中心に人気を集める。2021年、7/14に1stアルバ ム、 ”SurrealRhytym”をリリースし、更に注目を加速させ、自身の深い信念や世界観を等身大に反映させたep, "○"(Circle) を22年5月にリリース。 そして2年ぶりに待望の2nd Album - "Montage" を5/10にリリース予定。 その後も各地でのLive活動を活発に行い、新しい挑戦を続ける。

    Artist page


Leptlean Entertainment
