The sign of
Could sign it
Could it be
A sign of
- Lyricist
Makoto Iijima
- Composer
Makoto Iijima
Listen to Kai by Makoto Iijima
Streaming / Download
- 1
Same color in the morning
Makoto Iijima
- ⚫︎
Makoto Iijima
- 3
A regular corner of the town
Makoto Iijima
- 4
Rain to shine
Makoto Iijima
- 5
Grass and pottery
Makoto Iijima
- 6
Makoto Iijima
- 7
Makoto Iijima
- 8
Wind of seasons
Makoto Iijima
- 9
Saranari and Ima
Makoto Iijima
Makoto Iijima 4th album "Seasons and Customs.
Makoto Iijima's lo-fy electro fork album which he sings all in Japanese.
4th album following
1st album "Fading Inwards"
2nd album "Colored by numbers"
3rd album "I wish I were a scientst"
You will hear warm sound and philosofy from his music.
He makes distictive sounds which include the feel of Lo-fi electronica, world music, and Japanese traditional melody.
Artist Profile
Makoto Iijima
The Japanese musician Makoto Iijima is also known as the land scape Painter. He makes picturesqe music with lyric in the sound. He starts making albums since 2000.
Makoto Iijimaの他のリリース
Tribal Recordings