Gekkou Butou - Moonlight Dance Front Cover


Gekkou Butou - Moonlight Dance


Moonlight Dance, dance under the moon

Twirling in the light, to the silent tune

Moonlight Dance, hearts beat in sync

Lost in the rhythm, on the brink

In the whisper of the night, beneath the moon's gentle gaze

Silhouettes dance, their shadows merge in a silent ballet

Whirling leaves catch the silver light, a graceful disarray

In the spell of the moon, where the night sways

Let the stars witness, our feet never rest

In the moonlight’s embrace, we dance our best

With every turn, in every breath

We steal the night from the arms of death

Moonlight Dance, dance under the moon

Twirling in the light, to the silent tune

Moonlight Dance, hearts beat in sync

Lost in the rhythm, on the brink

As dawn nears, the music fades, yet still we dance

In the echo of moonlight, in love’s trance

Moonlight Dance, until the night ends

Under the moon, where magic never bends

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Gekkou Butou - Moonlight Dance Front Cover

Listen to Gekkou Butou - Moonlight Dance by Gacky

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