Masaya sa Pilipinas (マサヤ サ ピリピナス)
Halika na! さあみんな
Halika na! さあみんな
おいでMasaya sa Philipinas
さあ、いっしょに 新しい世界へ
咲き乱れる 笑顔の国
初めて味わう 秘密の果実
太陽の下で 輝く島
Halika na! さあみんな
Halika na! さあみんな
おいでMasaya sa Pilipinas
Halika na! さあみんな
Halika na! さあみんな
おいでMasaya sa Pilipinas
音楽の風 自由なリズムで
ここでは誰でも 踊れば仲間
色とりどりの 花のメロディー
織り連なって きらめくハーモニー
Halika na! さあみんな
Halika na! さあみんな
おいでMasaya sa Pilipinas
Halika na! さあみんな
Halika na! さあみんな
おいでMasaya sa Pilipinas
Halika na! さあみんな
行こう楽しい Pilipinas!
- Lyricist
GOW, Aburaage
- Composer
GOW, Aburaage
Listen to Masaya sa Pilipinas by GOW
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Masaya sa Pilipinas
This song was written with singer GOWs love and compassion to her beloved country,The Philippines.
Masaya means fun and the message is that "It's fun in the Philippines"
The Philippines is made of 7,641 islands often described as the "Pearl of the Orient Seas". It has so many treasures which you will find out in the lyrics of the song.
Composed,written,created by GOW&Tavasco's Aburaage.
With the help of Traditional Filipino music performers LUMAD Japan.
Guitar by Tavasco's Maashii.
We would like to invite you to listen to this enjoyable,tropical,carefree single and experience this Japanese-Philippine collaboration of music .
Artist Profile
gowis a Singer/TV talent/Actress in Japan. Full name is Maria Theresa Gow and is known as GOWchan. Mother is Filipina,Father is Scottish. Born in Scotland 1982,moved to USA,Philippines and now in Japan.