教室の窓から 見える曇り空
今日も天気は 気分と同じみたい
昨日の夜 整髪料を買いに行ったのは
授業が終わって 廊下ですれ違うたび
報われない恋は 私を空っぽにする
届くはずもない 唇に載せたメッセージ
せめてこの香りで気付いて なんて夢みたけど
現実はそんなに 優しくない
放課後の駐輪場で ふいに目が合った
けれど君はすぐに友達と 笑い合って
私はふっと 独りの世界へ戻される
いつの間にか この想いが痛むほど
何も言わずに 君を追いかけるだけ
諦めたくても どこかで期待してる
まっすぐ見つめて 好きだと叫べたなら
こんな苦しさも 報われたりするのかな
夢見がちだって 笑われてもいい
「やっぱり無理かも」って 何度も揺れる
この恋を続けるか それとも終わらせるか
覚悟のないまま ただ日々は過ぎていく
でももう 平気なフリはしないよ
最後の涙で 思いを洗い流せたら
きっと少しは 強くなれるはず
- Lyricist
Check No Apple Juice
- Composer
Check No Apple Juice
- Producer
Check No Apple Juice
- Vocals
Check No Apple Juice
- Songwriter
Check No Apple Juice

Listen to The Morality of Hairdressing by Check No Apple Juice
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The Morality of Hairdressing
Check No Apple Juice
We are pleased to announce the release of "The Morality of Hairdressing," which depicts the sadness of a faint first love and the delicate emotions of a high school student who is unable to express it.
A morning when she buys hairdressing products and carefully sets her hair with the pure thought, "If only I could look as pretty as possible. But the morning after, when you buy hairdressing products and carefully set your hair in the hopes of looking as pretty as possible, you feel a little frustrated that such a small effort does not reach the person you love. The lyrics, "You still don't know the feelings that lie beyond my perfectly coiffed hair," depict a scene of sad unrequited love that everyone has experienced at least once.
The cloudy classroom, the moment they pass each other in the hallway, the joy of meeting each other's eyes for a moment on the bike park after school - and the reality that "I am suddenly returned to the world of solitude. The film delicately depicts the small joys and great sadness that abound in the days of youth.
The title of the book, "The Morality of Hairdressing," expresses both the hope of looking good and the conflict of faking one's feelings. And at the end, "I won't pretend to be okay anymore," shows a determin
Artist Profile
Check No Apple Juice
Chic Ringo no Juus is a singer-songwriter / unit with a unique world view. They capture the ordinary moments of daily life, expressing the view through a smartphone, the loneliness of the night, and the sweet-sourness of youth with delicate words and melodies. While their songs are pop, they also incorporate elements of electro and alternative music to create a multi-layered sound. With lyrics that resonate with the social networking age and melodies that are nostalgic yet new, they have captured the hearts of the digital generation by releasing songs mainly on TikTok and YouTube.
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