Drunken Serenadeのジャケット写真


Your Smile and Goodbye


I will throw my life away. I will throw everything away. No one gave me other things than headache

You made me like my days, how to sing, how to fight, how to laugh. But I don’t like my way to love yet

This is not last resort. It never meant to be death so I’m here. This is for just remembering your smile and goodbye

How many times I ever felt my life is way more easier If I was not in love with you

You taught me how beautiful to remain the same, being who I am. Most of memories are gone but I still remember your smile and goodbye

Lie to me like a kid and say you forgot everything. It’s ok to leave me without saying any words

Not sure if I made you happy and I don’t think I was the best of you. What I can give is a huge gratitude. You were definitely a part of me

This is the last words for you

  • 作詞者

    Keisuke Furuya

  • 作曲者

    Keisuke Furuya

  • レコーディングエンジニア

    Taizo Hayama

  • ミキシングエンジニア

    Taizo Hayama

  • マスタリングエンジニア

    Taizo Hayama

  • ギター

    Keisuke Furuya, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Naoya Mokuda

  • ベースギター

    Sou Arai

  • ドラム

    Hikaru Matsuzaki

  • ボーカル

    Keisuke Furuya

Drunken Serenadeのジャケット写真

neko! の“Your Smile and Goodbye”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード


Your Smile and Goodbye

iTunes Store • パンク トップソング • 日本 • 4位 • 2025年2月21日 Apple Music • パンク トップソング • 日本 • 196位 • 2025年2月22日

