Can We Kick It ?のジャケット写真


Pocket Full Of Hate


Cut the roots from the trees of conspiracy

See the truth, or your name gets dirty

Where you at? Find something new in everyday life

Close call, face the facts, fight to stay real

Time passes slowly through your eyes

But your foolish pride grows way too fast

If you exaggerated, shout like a lion

I bite into your world

Hour glass, of pain, your history

I see, the sweet spot, your favorite time

My rage has reached its breaking point now

So do you wanna see? The answer is my rage on you

In the lack of love and peace

I fail to realize, has no value to me

In the end the grudges you own

To which I bring straight hate

Pull out the fool HATE

Pull out the fool HATE

You drop and leave me at the bottom of your dark hell of a death pit

Show me your rules HATE

Show me your rules HATE

You live at the top of SNS, the darkside is yours alone okay?

Come out you coward from the lies of the SNS world

I give you my direct hate, first give me a beer

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Can We Kick It ?のジャケット写真

SLIDE の“Pocket Full Of Hate”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

東京で活動中のSLIDE のスプリットアルバム。


Pocket Full Of Hate

Apple Music • The Great Eastern Fakekill • 2021年7月10日



    2017年1月結成。 "フロム東横” NARITA(vo/ex.FAKECOUNT)、CHARLIE(g/ex.STRIKE OUT)、380Kg(ba/FORESIGHT)、HARADA (d/ex.FORESIGHT) 、SHIOMAN (g/ex.ROBOAFRICA/脱退)により、それぞれのキャリアをベースに初期衝動感溢れるclassicなサウンドで東京・神奈川を中心にライブをやり始める。 2018年5月に1stDEMO『maximum demonstration 2018』を製作してから精力的に活動。独特のラフさとハードコア特有のエグみを持ち合わせながら現在に至る。

