Ah セニョリータ セニョリータ セニョリータ
Ah この事件無ければそれは It's like this
Ah 歪曲社長の鳥籠
Ah 真っ白太股それを It's palm wave
Ah パンツは足首外れる
Ah 野心と嫌悪の狭間 What should I do
Ah 私の淫部を包んだ
Ah シワシワ大きな指がIt's too late
おっさんの悦びの 悪夢の理
哀 溶けていく 脱力の快楽感
Soul 抜けていく 精通
Ah 尿道口 唇が絡む
Ah 聖水滴る 唾液Feel so nice
Ah ペロペロ舐められアスホールも
Ah 私のLower body 味を全Tasting
出世の約束 王道な花道
気付けば蕩ける 舐めっこの嵐よ
ああ こんなにも 変形の欲望に
ああ こんなにも え?
- Lyricist
mashiro momo
- Composer
mashiro momo
Listen to Cute idol emergency situation by mashiro ito
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Cute idol emergency situation
mashiro ito
Mashiro Ito 8th single
Progressive rock based on five time signatures
I experimented with how to make irregular time signatures melodic.
Artist Profile
mashiro ito
It has a peculiarity in the code, from the royal road to the highly metamorphic one. Characterized by a unique world view and melody Because she is a dancer as well as a writer Besides melody make-up, beat system is also strong
mashiro itoの他のリリース
lune blanc Records