



Spending all our time

As the days go by

I saw the blue rain mix

With tears in your eye

All the colors disappeared

There’s nothing I can hear

Except for the sound of our

Broken heart

There were nights

Where we felt invincible

Our bond felt unbreakable

Talking bout our dreams

Where we are and where they lead

But I know deep inside

That I need to

Be safe in here than be with you

In the sun where you can thrive

But there I wont survive so

Hello to all my friends

Blooming in the sunshine

I’m shouting from the edge

Reaching out to you, wow wow



ここから僕を 連れ出して欲しい

後追いはしない 未来へ

炎天下でも 進めよ 上等


あと出来ること 幾つあるんだろう

枯れた声 夜に消えた


君なしじゃ もう 咲き誇れない

Hello to all my friends

Blooming in the sunshine

I’m shouting from the edge

Reaching out to you, wow wow

It’s cold inside but I know

I’ll be alright

It’s time for me

To step into the light

It’s hard to stay the same

With each passing moon

Just wait for me to grow

Then I’ll see you soon

I’ll see you soon and I’ll say

Hello to all my friends

Blooming in the sunshine

(Deep inside that I need to be

Safe in here than be with you)

I’m shouting from the edge

Can you hear me sing? wow wow

Hello to all my friends

Blooming in the sunshine

(In the sun where

You all thrive, I'll survive)

I’m shouting from the edge

Sing along with me wow wow

  • 作詞

    Unnämed, Tachibana

  • 作曲

    Unnämed, Mine, Tachibana


Unnämed の“Flower”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

  • ⚫︎






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