The Light We Followedのジャケット写真


The Light We Followed

Stand Kuga

Like walking through a tunnel, so dark

A tiny light, way off in the distance, that's what we aimed for

We've come so far, you and I

There were times I felt lost, afraid

But turning back, that was never an option

'Cause together, we knew we could face anything

Stumbled and fell, time and again

In the darkness, couldn't see which way to go

But you were there, right by my side

Always with a kind word, lifting me up

That's how I found the strength to carry on

Each time, pushing myself further than I thought I could

Even if miracles don't come our way

The dawn will break, just like it always has

Keep moving forward, never give up

Shine a light in the darkness, together

Hand in hand, just like we always have

We'll keep walking, side by side

Looking back, we're finally out of that tunnel

The light we followed, it wasn't a destination or a status after all

It was the glow of our life together, shining bright

The body may grow weaker, that's how it goes

But the bond between us, that only grows stronger

Never been one to sit and wait

For fate to take its course, no sir

'Cause you were there, giving me courage

Always pushing me to fight, to keep going

That's why I always got back up on my feet

Believing we could overcome anything

Even if miracles don't come our way

The dawn will break, just like it always has

Keep moving forward, never give up

Shine a light in the darkness, together

Hand in hand, just like we always have

The dawn breaks, beautiful and new

The pale light conquers the darkness of night

And the glow illuminates us

As if celebrating the journey we've shared

Even if miracles don't come our way

The pale light conquers the darkness of night

And the glow illuminates us

As if celebrating the journey we've shared

  • 作詞者

    Stand Kuga

  • 作曲者

    Stand Kuga

  • プロデューサー

    Stand Kuga

  • プログラミング

    Stand Kuga

The Light We Followedのジャケット写真

Stand Kuga の“The Light We Followed”を


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  • ⚫︎

    The Light We Followed

    Stand Kuga

AIを活用して様々な音楽を制作している Stand Kuga の楽曲。「The Light We Followed」は、長年連れ添った夫婦の絆と、困難を乗り越える力を歌った感動的なロックバラードだ。歳を重ね、新たな苦難に直面しながらも、共に歩んできた道を振り返り、未来への希望を力強く歌い上げる。抑制の効いた歌声と、温かく包み込むようなバンドサウンドが、聴く者の心を揺さぶる。まるで人生の賛歌のようなこの曲は、聴く人に勇気と希望を与え、明日への一歩を踏み出す力をくれるだろう。

